Google street maps

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I've just noticed that my area is now covered by Google street maps. Whilst "driving" down my road I can make out the Father-in-law doing my gardening :lol:. Also, I was working just down the road so by travelling a bit further I can find my van parked on my customers drive :thumbsup:.

Has anyone else found themselves or a friend / relative on there?
Yes,funny enough looking at it last night they must up dated with pictures taken last year,my house in Lincs was not on but is now,zoomed in and could see our lass brushing her hair in bedroom mirror,do'nt know who the man was though,must have been summer time as he had his shirt off :smilewinkgrin:
Yes,funny enough looking at it last night they must up dated with pictures taken last year,my house in Lincs was not on but is now,zoomed in and could see our lass brushing her hair in bedroom mirror,do'nt know who the man was though,must have been summer time as he had his shirt off :smilewinkgrin:

I found my bruv was at home...

Mother in the garden pegging out washing and niece in her garden pegging washing as well..:lol:
funny this has just come up as only yesterday I noticed Brighton is now covered, had a quick look at my place and noticed a neighbours motor that is no longer here so i had a fair idea when it was done, had a quick look for me but when i couldn't find any sign I went to the job I was doing at about the time I thought and found my skip out side:lol: so I carbon date it to this time last year:thumbsup:
I looked at the satellite view of one of our jobs and saw one of our trucks parked in the street.

I can tell that they haven't updated my house for years because they still have the trampoline in another part of the yard.:smilewinkgrin:

The satellite view is good enough that I can see the worn spot in the grass where we walk back and forth to my sister's house next door.
I can see my mate sat in his van with his mate, and also another of my mates John (very clearly) getting stuff out of his car. The strange thing is that the road which has John in is taken at different times of the year, go up the road a couple of clicks and their car and motor home move. Go down the road and in one picture the tree's have leaves on, we estimate June last year and in another the tree's have no leaves, which we estimate to be March last year.

A lot of people have made a big fuss over privacy, myself I think it's brilliant, I can check out an area before going, which is great given that we have 44 tones artics!
I found ours, the car was in the car park at the end of the row, I looked at my mums and our car was in the driveway there too!
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