grout shadeing

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Andy Allen

hi i have just joined tile forum i have been a tiler for 28 yrs and at the moment am laid up after haveing my 4th knee opp [note to self should have wore knee pads when younger] just b4 knee opp i did a stright forward 30 meter floor ;just had a call from the custmer that the grout has dried patchy ;i used bal rapid set with lime stone grout all i can think i of is a slight adhesive show through in places never had the problem b4 any one eles got any suggestions
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Hi andy allen and welcome to!
Hi Andy

Not sure why it would have happened but we have some grout colorants now that you go over the top with. I thought they were a bit DIY'ish until i tried them. Use one that is the best match for the original colour. very easy to use and very resiliant too

one bottle should do the whole floor

TradeTiler.Ltd Grout Colorant
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:welcome:welcome to TF Andy, it's not effloresence is it? David Tradetilers answer seems to be the logical solution though:thumbsup:
Its a common problem especially it seems with the product you mention. The easiest and cheapest way would be to do as suggested and use the Aquamix colourant in a suitable colour and do the whole floor. Shouldnt take long to do either ?
:welcome:to the forum
bal tends to do this occasionally especially with the colour you used and charcoal

I posted about this back in the summer.

I had the same problem with limestone BAL grout. I contacted BAL, and they tried to blame 1. me fixing it wrong. 2. grout out of date. 3. addy showing through. It sounded like that they had heard it all before due to this product and were just just reading off a list of excuses.
"It couldnt possibly be a problem with the limestone grout we produce" they said. :thumbsdown:

It was quite simply efflorescence. Its the natural salts in the water used to the mix the grout reacting with the chemicals in the colour that makes the salt come to the surface. Its definately a problem with their product that costs too much fix, and there are plenty of excuses that the they can blame the tiler for.

Im affraid to say that you wont get any help from BAL. I ended up going back to the customers house to rake out the patchy areas and regrout.

I havent used BAL limestone since.
I only use mapei grouts now.:thumbsup:


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