grout shadeing

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As above, but also climate/ atmospheric pressure can contribute:thumbsup: PS Thanks Terry never heard distilled water before. I will give that a go. Like I say we never stop learning.
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Hello and welcome... sorry to hear of your issue with BAL limestone grout... i too have ceased using it to similar probs....

I think the grout colourant mentioned above will be the easiest way and the best result..
hi steve thanks for the advice nice to know im not alone with this problem;iknow what you mean about BAL tech department there about as much use as a mud flap on a turtle ;what did you use to rake out the joints i got a angle grinder with a diamond blade but think that will do more damage
Why are you taking the rake out grout method ? Colourant is the way forward unless there is problems with grout cracking etc. Raking out will cause slip and you will have more work on your hands :incazzato:
its what the customer wants;you know what they say it would be a good job if it wernt for the customers ;anyway its not the whole floor he wants doing just a few bad areas.
are you not just as likely to get a shade variation between what you rake out/re do and what you leave?
As you say if thats what the client wants but i would be putting all this info to them firstly.
You will be risking damaging tiles.
The new grout may be of different shade anyway due to batches or mixing slightly differently.

Your call, we are only here to give you options.
think you may be right maybe do a test area first

You will never mix another bag of grout and get it to match whatever you do you are wasting your time. What colour is the grout now? There maybe another option but raking it out isn't one



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