Hand held floor grinding set up

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Yeah, turbo. 10mm deep diamond tips. Paid for it but supposed to be better than the double row cups. Just hope it’s not too aggressive, bloody heavy thing
Yeah, turbo. 10mm deep diamond tips. Paid for it but supposed to be better than the double row cups. Just hope it’s not too aggressive, bloody heavy thing
Yeah I bet it is, I’m sure you’ll tear that screed up in no time.
Might be an idea to test it on a concrete block first tho haha
Yeah I said that to Mate yesterday, need to test it on an old flag stone. I also learnt something last night. My friend is a manager at A Big name hire shop and we were talking about it and dust etc, he said they aren’t allowed to call most vac’s dust extractors now as they let silica pass through and get airborne. Only the new Hilt dust extractors have the correct filter ration to collect silica safely! From them anyway, not sure if other makes do it. Class M dust extraction. My question which I’m not sure of is, does anhydrite produce silica once sanded ?
To get a definitive answer on what is produced, ask @Ajax123 Andy.

As far as site vacuums go, HSE now insist on a minimum of an M class extractor.
What makes an M class extractor is basically 3 things.
1 dust extraction of less than <1% dusts.
2 a Power take Off point, so that extractor and tool work as one.
3. An audible alarm if suction reduces or bags are Full.
H class is for is for carcinogenic dusts, asbestos, mounds etc.
It has all the above attributes but filters down to
<0.005% dusts.
Does that answer your question Andy?
And there are other makes that filter to that level, in fact quite a few known brands do.
I have just been googling and seen there’s quite a lot that do m class like you say. I never knew. So my vac being a none m class, probably allows the silica to pass into the air? Especially if I press the filter clean button which blows out the side! Wonder how many people actually have an up to date dust extractor
  • Washable PET fleece filter with minimum 99,9% filtration efficiency
That’s what my nilfisk does
I have just been googling and seen there’s quite a lot that do m class like you say. I never knew. So my vac being a none m class, probably allows the silica to pass into the air? Especially if I press the filter clean button which blows out the side! Wonder how many people actually have an up to date dust extractor
If they work on site, a lot won’t have a choice mate.
Mines only an L class and needs updating even tho I have power take off and filters that meet <0.1%,
But it doesn’t have an alarm so it’s no good. Average price for one is £5-600


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