looks good
let them prove it
let them prove it
Don't hand out other customers addresses without their knowledge or acceptance first.Thanks Steve, yep you words back up my thoughts exactly.
I have still to hear from either the customer or the Plumber or even see their insurers report as I was promised. But anything could happen yet ....
The customers last comment was to say he would have to go through trading standards if I don't offer to "replace the cracked tiles" ... no matter who pays (guess he was going to pay himself to avoid upsetting his business associate plumber friend ?)
So I told him that I thoroughly understood and if it helps him ?? ....I offered him more copies of my before and after pics of this job should he need them and also pics of the "other issues" on two other jobs I have had with the plumbers and applicable customers addresses too .
So ... its still a watch this space
Thanks guys for your help and support.