Help needed from you professionals please

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Hi everyone. Many thanks for your help thus far and sorry for delay in responding. Type of tile is as mentioned above Porcelonosa (forgive spelling) UNICOM rustic (60 x 40) - this is the tile used over most of the floor, the other tile is Porcelonosa ALMERA (60 X 60). I'm afraid to say I dont know the screed type, although it had been down for at least a month before the tiles were laid. The adhesive that the builder used (having rejected ours, due to it being quote 'a dodgy batch') he has described as 'EVO porcelain and Stone adhesive' - I would imagine this is EVOSTIK?

As a further update, a tile will be lifted next week, by a tiler from the area who has been recommended, so that he can tell us what he thinks. I will take a picture at that time, In the meantime, here is my 'map' of one of the rooms - where I have tapped the tiles to see what is underneath them - the black areas are voids. The tiles with a dot on them appear to be ok. The hatched area is a wall. dining room tiles map.jpg
Are you sure that it's adhesive on the tile, as it looks more like grout to me.
Are you sure that it's adhesive on the tile, as it looks more like grout to me.

Hi John. Yes, the picture does show a lot of grout, but there is also a lot of adhesive dried onto the tiles (picture doesn't really do it justice). What is your opinion on the voids, as per my drawn plan? Looking forward to receiving more advice, kind regards, Jodie.
id be worried about you joiner as well !
skirtings at internals are butted not scribed

get a tile taken up jodie,then people can see how they have been laid,the cleaning of them is the easy part :thumbsup:

can you not take photos of the whole floor,you can tell a lot about tradesmans work by just looking at it
This isn't looking too good is it. Screaming of inexperience by the fitter if you ask me. Adhesive doesn't go off "too quick" if your mixing it correctly. I presume you were supplied rapid set adhesive initially?
Widler makes a valid point of the skirting too, they're also not countersinking the screws prior. if there isn't enough room to put some filler in there it'll show when it comes to painting. I'm sure there's a way to avoid such a small cut as well maybe?

Anyway, that sketch looks awlful. Not in an artistic critique way but they amount of hollows. IMHO from what you've said and showed so far it's a rip out job. Think your screed has no worries about staying intact though 😉
can you post a few more pics of the floor inc the whole floor to see the quality of the job in general
Hi John. Yes, the picture does show a lot of grout, but there is also a lot of adhesive dried onto the tiles (picture doesn't really do it justice). What is your opinion on the voids, as per my drawn plan? Looking forward to receiving more advice, kind regards, Jodie.

It is difficult to qualify if they are voids until the tile is lifted so that would be a given that tiles must come up to see how much adhesive is actually under the tiles.

I dread to think what the rest of the floor looks like if that is just a small section of it. A full pic of the floor would help to see the whole finish.
sorry to here of your dilemma , it dont sound very good , i wish builders would stop attempting to tile ,

the adhesive he has used is not a brand i would ever consider using , and im sure most on here will agree

more pics please
Hi Jodie.
Sorry to see that you've had this kind of work done, we see this happen all the time. Builders often don't give any value to tiling, but it is a very important finishing trade both visually and in its fixing.
Looks like there's a series of blunders here. The guy selling the adhesive sold you a very low quality adhesive, i doubt (hope) that no one on here would use it, also he didn't sell you enough to fix the tiles correctly, on average when bedding floor tiles down properly you get arounf 3m2 out of a 25kg bag, so he didn't supply enough anyway, but thats not the major issue here.
As all the comments say above if the tiles sound hollow then they have not been fixed properly and will more than likely fail with time. The grouting is a total mess,and t will be a major job to shift that. I can't add any more, the guys here really know their stuff.
Good thing is you've not paid the builder, he needs to be given the chance to rectify this.
I hope you can resolve this without it getting awkward between you and your builder.


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