Discuss here you go.. lets hear it lol... in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.


Colour Republic

CR, I am not after any argument. In what way does it add strength.

I just need clarification plz.

Because you are shortening the length of any joints as in the next board you are stagering.

take a 300mm tile, score it 100mm from the left, score 100mm from the right and then try snapping it. now take another 300mm tile score 300mm all the way across. You know whats gonna happen and which is the stronger of the 2
I guess most folk are ok with installing Hardibacker, this is Teabag's thread yeah?! I'm not gonna give any opinion on the quality, as enough has been said. Mr T, I'd change your goal from being a s/employed Tiler, to just gaining full-time employment, in whichever job is best for you. Perhaps have a longer-term goal to maybe do a bit more diy/amateur tiling over the next few years. But with a full-time job, you can look more into college/courses etc to do it right in 5yrs time or something... not 5 weeks. Kapeesh?? Lol


What be because you said Harding doesn't sort out deflection? Missing the point again Dave.

CR , you ain't got a clue , your replies say it all.

I missed deflection from a post that hardi does not deal with and you pick fault.

I have stated a few times there are 3 causes of stress and you say deflection. ?

What about dry lined walls , do they deflect onto block work , ffs wake up.


I guess most folk are ok with installing Hardibacker, this is Teabag's thread yeah?! I'm not gonna give any opinion on the quality, as enough has been said. Mr T, I'd change your goal from being a s/employed Tiler, to just gaining full-time employment, in whichever job is best for you. Perhaps have a longer-term goal to maybe do a bit more diy/amateur tiling over the next few years. But with a full-time job, you can look more into college/courses etc to do it right in 5yrs time or something... not 5 weeks. Kapeesh?? Lol
Mr T Martyn has given you sme good advice learn a bit more then try do the work

Mr Tiler

Yeh that is good advice and I am currently searching for work mate. I need emplyment for many reasons too and a bit of work wouldnt go a miss.. Im just tired of the same old jobs in these dumps on minimum wage just feel im worth more and should be doing something more challenging. I have still got people wanting me to tile for them and for the record yes its unpaid lol so that will give me some more experience I know my works not unflawed but il get there in the end and will keep posting pics on here and you guys can tell me how I can improve. If you want that is lol. Dave im staying out of this one lol. I apologise if people are seing me as something im not im not a con artist and I wont charge for my work until it is of high quality... Thats why I asked you guys the advise int the first place... I just want to do it rite. Cheers

Colour Republic

ive never seen cross bonding of plasterboard in houses....

really? You've never seen plasterboard staggered in a house before?

i assume you're going to say because every house you've even been in has 2.4m ceiling height and the boards are just butted vertically. BTW horizontal laying of plasterboard on walls is stronger than vertical but that isn't done very much because vertical is much quicker. But even with a ceiling height of 2.4m... How where the ceilings done then?

Regardless thread is now way off track.


I can see it on long run if your laying the boards in landscape but never portrait...is it written now that plaster board has to be brick bond now..or advisable..i mean how many houses have huge cracks down them..im thinking if its dot and dab where contact is direct onto brick/block wall but not on metal stud...ill be honest i never knew you had to brick bond hardi...although biggest ive done is 4 sq mt on floor...will do from now on..opps !

Reply to here you go.. lets hear it lol... in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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