Discuss here you go.. lets hear it lol... in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.



Anyway back on topic..sorry tea-bag...is this a council house? where the walls out ?..Alistar needs to eat humble pie on the hardie....but that plumbing...got to be council work..awful ?..that should have been looked at...ok good effort...no bodies perfect but setting out and good prep is a must...and then theres getting the trim nice and tight...you aint gunner win any prizes but just practice if you can..cheap tiles but try not to practice too much on peoples houses...some peoples stds are less than others so you might get away with it but ive seen some awful DIY jobs.you tried your best..its not pro stds but if your passionate about it dont let some of the comments dishearten you...its bloody hard work !

Mr Tiler

Anyway back on topic..sorry tea-bag...is this a council house? where the walls out ?..Alistar needs to eat humble pie on the hardie....but that plumbing...got to be council work..awful ?..that should have been looked at...ok good effort...no bodies perfect but setting out and good prep is a must...and then theres getting the trim nice and tight...you aint gunner win any prizes but just practice if you can..cheap tiles but try not to practice too much on peoples houses...some peoples stds are less than others so you might get away with it but ive seen some awful DIY jobs.you tried your best..its not pro stds but if your passionate about it dont let some of the comments dishearten you...its bloody hard work !
cheers for the feedback mate... nah its private my cousin let me do this bathroom as he saw the work I done to my brothers bathroom. and I think theres a new tenant in there enjoying my bathroom! lol... well im currently in the process of doing my bathroom I have just boarded up one of the doorways and will be doing the other side tmoz and then its almost ready for the tiles once I find the money lol and cheap tiles they will be! I think more prep research and then putting it into practise will help a lot. I know some cuts are bad and trim work isn't perfect but will keep practising. this was my second attempt at tiling on my own from start to finnish so i think the passion for the work helped me achieve what i did lol. i think as time goes on i will begin to see what is spot on and as i do the standard of work will get a lot better when i get the eye for it but that's experience isn't it. i wont be taking another big job like this for a while i don't think and will spend hours setting out my bathroom this time lol. cheers mate


I know its supposed to be staggers but didn't want little cuts of hardi on the boards so did it this way. View attachment 53156

Well I never. Apology due Mr T. From look7ng at the transition in the doorway and where you finished the tiles it doesnt look like enough height is there for it.

What trowel size did you use out of interest?


Looks half decent for a DIY job mate(or 2nd attempt at tiling)I've seen worse on council jobs :)
The only thing that bothers me is tiling behind the bath not on top,a recipe for disaster Mr T.
Oh and the staggering of boards,it is for strength as folk have said, a staggered joint is much stronger than a straight joint

yep defo no no..always tile onto bath..but is a bath going in there or a shower...I tend to tile first before putting in bath and leave the last tile up to bath out..then put bath in and finish..saves damaging bath and it being in the way when working.


.some peoples stds are less than others


Yes Mr T always wear your PPE

No humble pie necessary Ian. An apology where its due, done. As for the other 99% of my post I stand by it. Yes practice makes perfect blah blah blah. Should he be "practising" at the expense of someones home and hard earned cash? Absolutely not!
Is the work done here up to an acceptable standard for a customer to pay for it. Absolutely not. Would you be happy to pay for it Ian if this was your home?? I don't think suggesting its a council property makes it better, does it?

Bare in mind if you re-read my original post I asked Mr T to take it as constructive criticism. I hope ha does, because as i also said i admire his enthusiasm. Call it firm but fair if you will. Not going to blow smoke up his (¥)



Yes Mr T always wear your PPE

No humble pie necessary Ian. An apology where its due, done. As for the other 99% of my post I stand by it. Yes practice makes perfect blah blah blah. Should he be "practising" at the expense of someones home and hard earned cash? Absolutely not!
Is the work done here up to an acceptable standard for a customer to pay for it. Absolutely not. Would you be happy to pay for it Ian if this was your home?? I don't think suggesting its a council property makes it better, does it?

Bare in mind if you re-read my original post I asked Mr T to take it as constructive criticism. I hope ha does, because as i also said i admire his enthusiasm. Call it firm but fair if you will. Not going to blow smoke up his (¥)

As far as i can tell he has done work for friends and family..if they are happy with it and pay him any money..its none of our business..going out there and selling himself to unknowns is a different story..but from what I see he's not quite confident yet..his next job is his own bathroom..this is how i learnt..the hard way doing my own houses up..family and friends..taking my time..only doing small jobs for other clients i was confident with..and aged 48 I still will turn work away I'm not confident at..I admit that to the customer and they thank me for it rather than having a go and ruining it...Back then I never had a forum to look at for help..but wouldn't this site be boring if all we did was look at pros work and big each other up..its nice to help others when you remember the obstacles you came up against..constructive criticism is a good thing..but helping others is much more satisfying...


Pretty sure Mr T commented on this being for a builder friend. Who was happy to let him tile a customers bathroom. Can't be bothered going back over 10 pages to check to be honest. Ash can soon tell us.
Ash has also had an abundance of help so far from this forum. Lots on here has encouraged him to do right and do well. Constructive criticism is still help i believe. In fact id say its more helpful than not pointing out the errors, is it not?


Pretty sure Mr T commented on this being for a builder friend. Who was happy to let him tile a customers bathroom. Can't be bothered going back over 10 pages to check to be honest. Ash can soon tell us.
Ash has also had an abundance of help so far from this forum. Lots on here has encouraged him to do right and do well. Constructive criticism is still help i believe. In fact id say its more helpful than not pointing out the errors, is it not?

>>> http://www.tilersforums.com/tiling-forum/68890-here-you-go-lets-hear-lol.html#post698897


If you do a bad cut Mr T, don't be scared to throw it away/reuse it. No need to put it in. Better to be a box of tiles short when you're learning than have terrible cuts everywhere.

This is probably the best bit of advise i reckon a new tiler can get!
I was taught by my dad and he always part of being a good tiler and doing a good job is knowing that you will have to spend some time taking down a wall or floor if you are not happy with it, and re fixing it, all part of the job.
Also if you look at a cut and ask yourself is this good enough, you've answered your own question! If it was right you wouldn't have thought it.

Mr Tiler

no apology due ali I was just proving im not a liar lol but cheers. I can understand why some of ya think im cutting corners but when I look at the job I say what im going to do in my head and I make sure I do it. basically the story to this bathroom is my cousin does up property for a man that buys them. hes a bit of an all rounder accept for the plumbing and electrics and hes very good at it. my whole family knows what im trying to do and he let me have a go on this on (with the owners knowledge) and both were happy with the result in the end and they could see how hard I tried lol. setting out wise I will from now on dedicate at least a couple of hours until im satisfied the outcome will be the best option. and tbh there was the odd cut I questioned and in future deffinately will pull off the wall and re-do. I think the trowel size is 12mm round notch. I only have one floor trowel and basically spread the addy underneath to fill any voids that may be created under the harfdi is that correct? and the floor was pretty level just had to adjust height a little as I was tiling. I can take all the criticism I really can and it will help me think twice when im doing the next bit of tiling its just when it gets a bit nasty I don't see any need for it (not aimed at anyone). just want to do the best and in a couple of years mite even get jotm lol. cheers

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