Discuss here you go.. lets hear it lol... in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.



just want to do the best and in a couple of years mite even get jotm lol

With your enthusiasm, the right direction and experience I see no reason at all why you can't achieve this goal.

I achieved JOTM with what I considered to be little experience when compared to some folk here.
Be patient, think twice, ask advice (I know you already do!), take the advice on board, know your limitations and with time & experience I'm sure it will come.

Rome wasn't built in a day (not by a professional anyway!)

All the very best Ash


Ash you seem like a good lad. At no point have i tried to discourage you from what you want to do. Infact the opposite. I just hope you are listening and taking it on board. There is a wealth of knowledge on this forum but there is more to being a professional than just knowing how to do it.

If you're serious. Really serious i may have a job coming up in the next couple of months that i need a pair of hands on. I delivered a price this morning and im fairly confident ill get a call to go ahead. If i do how do you fancy a week giving me a hand? I know its a bit of a trek for you but we could sort something out i reckon. Interested?


Ash you seem like a good lad. At no point have i tried to discourage you from what you want to do. Infact the opposite. I just hope you are listening and taking it on board. There is a wealth of knowledge on this forum but there is more to being a professional than just knowing how to do it.

If you're serious. Really serious i may have a job coming up in the next couple of months that i need a pair of hands on. I delivered a price this morning and im fairly confident ill get a call to go ahead. If i do how do you fancy a week giving me a hand? I know its a bit of a trek for you but we could sort something out i reckon. Interested?

ill help you for free !...I'm still learning

Mr Tiler

ali that is a brilliant offer mate but im struggling to get about in the car and keeping it running as it is as it is never mind driving for 3 hours a day lol. it really is a shame you don't live closer mate I would jump at the chance to do some more tiling with a pro I really would. but I just wouldn't be able to afford it mate. I know theres loads to learn other than the how to but im still learning how to never mind the rest of it lol. If I was to walk into a customers house they would know I wasn't a tradesman anyway as I wouldn't know where to start with pricing up lol. great opportunity its a shame I cant take the offer mate it really is and now im goin to be depressed all day haha! cheers mate


that sounds even better lol! but tbh I don't mind doin any amount of work for nothing and il clean the vaan as a thank you... but im also a family man and my missus needs me here also. I love tiling but I also love my relationship with my women lol. I hope that doesn't make me sound ungrateful cuzi really am it would be a great opportunity it really would.

she also must understand you need to work..for the future...1 week is nothing from your life...give it 3 years and you will be itching to lose yourself for a week

Diamond Pool Finishers

Anyway just read this thread , and good-luck to you Mr T keep reading keep trying and if they will pay -you take the money! as that is why we are all doing this stuff in the first place , when you first came on the forum i thought you were (having a Laugh ) and was a plumber ,but Neal PM'd me the other night and said you were a good lad & existed !! so good luck to you lad ......
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Reply to here you go.. lets hear it lol... in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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