Spare Tool
Have you got a long straight edge/ 6ft level?
Yes, go over your floor with the straight edge and mark out the dips first, its hard to tell from a picture how bad your highs and lows are, it was flat in the first place so surely cant be that bad..Thanks for the tip, excuse my ignorance, but do you mean use the straight edge of the level to pull over the dips?
Grinding disks and ufh cables won't end well, if there's a gap under the straight edge it needs filling. Mp3 has never leveled a floor before and the first attempt using the spiked roller didn't go too well, so what's the point in going through all that again. Imo after marking all the dips out a long straight edge is the best chance he's got at getting this floor tileable..OP, the longer the straight edge the better because if you use a smaller stright edge, you might think youve a bump but infact its actually a dip and can make it worse. Ive seen before some tilers chasing their tale filling with slc rather than removing a bump with a grinding disk.
Grinding disks and ufh cables won't end well, if there's a gap under the straight edge it needs filling. Mp3 has never leveled a floor before and the first attempt using the spiked roller didn't go too well, so what's the point in going through all that again. Imo after marking all the dips out a long straight edge is the best chance he's got at getting this floor tileable..