How to calculate your grout requirements

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Hi guys,

I know many of you may know this already with your preffered grouts but I have seen many posts over the years on the forum when people are asking how to calculate how much grout they need.

For the guys that dont know, this is how we do it;

(Tile width 300MM + tile length 300MM) x grout width4MM x tile depth 10MM x grout density 1.6 (usualy between 1.4 to 1.6)

= 38,400 (A)


(Tile width300mm x tile length300mm)

= 90,000 (B)

Once you have these to figures you simply divide A by B

38,400 / 90,000 = 0.426 (MEANING YOU NEED 0.426KG og grout per sq metre of tiles)

width + length x grout width x tile depth x grout density = a

width x length = b

a/b = kg of grout per sqm of area

Here are some grout density factors for some products

MAPEI Products
ultracolour = 1.6
kerracolour ff = 1.5
kerracolour gg = 1.6

kerapoxy = 1.5

WEBER Products
weber.joint wall = 1.4
weber.joint wide = 1.6
weber.joint wideflex = 1.6
weber. joint epoxy = 1.6

AREDX products
ardex flex fs = 1.5
ardex flex fl = 1.75

This is how its done, and in my opinion it's fairly accurate and it is especialy handy when working with mosaics.

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i use this excel spreadsheet. this is just a view of it as i can't attache spreadsheets. but as you can see all you do is enter the details and it gives you the answer. If anyone wants a copy pls PM me with email address.:8:


Great post.

Though, I have to admit that I just go by gut feel and experience. Perhaps that explains why I've got a lockup full of 1 kg bags of grout :mad2:.
:thumbsup:Very informative:thumbsup:
But I also buy more than I need for that 'just in case' moment.
'It'll come in handy for the next job' is the usual confirmation if required.


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