I over heard a that an acquaintance of mine parents in law have had a really nice new extension (approx £400K worth so big) and the floor has underfloor heating and a competitors calcium sulphate screed. The screed has not been sanded or primed and the tiler has laid the tiles. I did not know anything about it until today the guy is so impressed with it as are his parents in law. The screed was apparently delivered and installed 4 weeks ago. The underfloor heating has not been comissioned. (they are looking forward to having the heating on is what I heared.
there is no way on earth these tiles amounting to around £45k worth of beautiful marble will stay down for more than a couple of weeks especially when the heating is comissioned. They are all blissfully unaware of the issues yet.
They are going to be absolutely devastated when the tiles come up, and I really beleive they will come up.
Should I
a: ignore the situation and hope it goes away as it is not really anything to do with me.
b: tell them that they have a potential problem and let them sort it out between them.
c: support it technically knowing that there is a risk of professional criticism as I am unable to be truly independent and it aint my gear
d: something else.
there is no way on earth these tiles amounting to around £45k worth of beautiful marble will stay down for more than a couple of weeks especially when the heating is comissioned. They are all blissfully unaware of the issues yet.
They are going to be absolutely devastated when the tiles come up, and I really beleive they will come up.
Should I
a: ignore the situation and hope it goes away as it is not really anything to do with me.
b: tell them that they have a potential problem and let them sort it out between them.
c: support it technically knowing that there is a risk of professional criticism as I am unable to be truly independent and it aint my gear
d: something else.