I want to become a tiler

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You've had some great advice.
Just to add that I have been contacted by a couple of tilers, recently, that have done 4 week courses. I have given them both a try as I am happy to try and develop talent (even if it is future competition :thumbsdown:), but the obvious lack of skill and, dare I say, common sense have caused me issues.

My advice would be to maintain your current means of employment, and look for apprenticeship opportunities so that you develop your skills and learn the trade thoroughly.

Good luck mate :thumbsup:, good attitude.
thanks lads for the advice its been very helpful. im going to do the course if i cant find a longer one that i can afford. keep reading th forums and watching vids on utube too. seems the case of the right job but wrong time really thanks again ill post back how i get on.

Good luck,

Just be careful of what you take from youtube, even some of the professionally produced videos show incorrrect advice (one example has that guy from 'Homes under the Hammer'). A lot of them are designed for the DIY'er, so whilst it will get tiles on the wall it doesn't show the professional methods:thumbsup:
hi mate all nice advice above
but a 4 day cousre!! u aint going to learn much.
will try to put this is "nice" words ere.....

u aint got a snowballs chance!!!!

ok.. the regulars on here will tell you ..."yes go for it"..."??

will be honest here when i see posts like this .."no disrespect" i usually pmsl...why u ask???..well why not go for a "course" in plumbing/elec..more money to be made??

you have to have a good contact base .i.e plumbers/joiner/sparks/...ect ect..

best off.
hi mate all nice advice above
but a 4 day cousre!! u aint going to learn much.
will try to put this is "nice" words ere.....

u aint got a snowballs chance!!!!

ok.. the regulars on here will tell you ..."yes go for it"..."??

will be honest here when i see posts like this .."no disrespect" i usually pmsl...why u ask???..well why not go for a "course" in plumbing/elec..more money to be made??

you have to have a good contact base .i.e plumbers/joiner/sparks/...ect ect..

best off.

I'd have a re-read through the posts Div
LOL...he and MANY other aint got a "snowballs chance"....lets ALL BE HONEST ONLY very GOOD tile fixers will have work in front off them..i know you all have to invite them into your website..."sponsership" an ALL,,,... all pardon the spelling..BUT YOU ALL have to tell them all!!!!

come on ......4/5/6/8/7/8/9....day/weeks cousres were does it stop?

were does the 4year app.. go then not just in this trade but all other trades just look around sites like this and the sponsership ..which i think as more say than the members.
LOL...he and MANY other aint got a "snowballs chance"....lets ALL BE HONEST ONLY very GOOD tile fixers will have work in front off them..i know you all have to invite them into your website..."sponsership" an ALL,,,... all pardon the spelling..BUT YOU ALL have to tell them all!!!!

come on ......4/5/6/8/7/8/9....day/weeks cousres were does it stop?

were does the 4year app.. go then not just in this trade but all other trades just look around sites like this and the sponsership ..which i think as more say than the members.

As I say re-read the posts and I think you'll find all of the points you mention are raised
Here you go

IMO it takes hundreds of hours work to have the experience to tackle a paying customers job solo, as I say in all these kinda threads, it would be better to see if you can get a job with a squad of tilers.

wish i had a fork lift licence ;work is very slow at the moment still it should start to pick up in the next couple of months best thing to do is the 4day coures learn the very basics and try helping out a tiler it will take time but its how most of us 40 somethink tilers started out.

Mikey , keep your job and do the course anyway, hopefully you have been looking at the Nett one which is the best four day course anywhere.
PM me any time

All good advice, but as Wingn; says try for a team of tilers, even if you start as a labourer, you will learn more in one day with a pro gang than you will on a expensive 4 week course. :thumbsup:

hello mikey if your determined to become a tiler and your short of the cash, i would do like the boys said, keep your job do the 4 day course start with family and friends then maybe part time evenings and weekends slowley build your confidence :thumbsup:

Just to add that I have been contacted by a couple of tilers, recently, that have done 4 week courses. I have given them both a try as I am happy to try and develop talent (even if it is future competition :thumbsdown:), but the obvious lack of skill and, dare I say, common sense have caused me issues.

My advice would be to maintain your current means of employment, and look for apprenticeship opportunities so that you develop your skills and learn the trade thoroughly.

Good luck mate :thumbsup:, good attitude.

Surprisingly the guys who offered the most encourgement are the one just starting out, that have gone through a lean spell but are now starting to find work, even more surprising is they followed the advice of the time served tilers.. go figure :crazy:
LOL...he and MANY other aint got a "snowballs chance"....lets ALL BE HONEST ONLY very GOOD tile fixers will have work in front off them..i know you all have to invite them into your website..."sponsership" an ALL,,,... all pardon the spelling..BUT YOU ALL have to tell them all!!!!

come on ......4/5/6/8/7/8/9....day/weeks cousres were does it stop?

were does the 4year app.. go then not just in this trade but all other trades just look around sites like this and the sponsership ..which i think as more say than the members.

I have read and re-read your posts and don't have a clue what you are trying to say? No punctuation anywhere so your sentence's flow into each other with no meaning.

Getting back to the point in question, new tilers have to start somewhere and a course is an obvious place to begin. Apprenticeships have all but disappeared but if you want to contribute to the work force and to tiling in general Div then why don't you take on a youngster and train them yourself?
If you get stuck at any point then please feel free to post your problem and the professionals on this forum will help you as best they can.
There are other forums out there that seem to be glad of negative people joining them and posting what I call 'cul de sac' questions or answers, in other words the advice is a dead end and gets the reader no where.
This forum finds answers to peoples questions in abundance, we don't do negative.



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