I'm Gonna do it, dont stop me now

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i have been a postman for 9 years now and im going on a tiling course in 2 weeks i have been thinking of getting into it full time but the security of the post office is holding me back. morgage ,kids ,girlfriend. I hope it works out for you all the best .
1 little way i've found to advertise, without the cost of having the motor sprayed, as im sure a number of guys starting out cannot yet afford a van.
If the wife or some-one you know works in a office, it is highly likely they have a reprographics department.

If you have any business cards made then get them to send you the proofs via e-mail and print a copy off. Get the person from the office to get it enlarged to "A3" or bigger and get reprographics to laminate it (usually costs a packet of biscuits).

There you go free advertising - keep 2 copies in your car and every time you get out thats 1 on the dashboard - 1 on the back shelf. Place 1 in the window of any job you work on.
Good luck Tysfoot. Nothing ventured as they say. Work at it mate and I am sure it will pay off in the long run. Nothing like being your own boss and in charge of your own destiny. Craft little devil arent you!! Just seen your ad on ebay!!!!!!!! - Lol.
Hi Tysfoot

Sometimes the plunge is what you need to spur on your incentive rather than waiting in the comfort zone. Respect to you.
Once you work for yourself you will never want to work for someone else again.
Confidence is the hub of life and you sound as you have bags of it.
Keep focused and be a businessman first and tiler second.
Good Luck
cheers guys your a good lot. i can see its still gonna take time to where i want to be but its now or never


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