I'm Gonna do it, dont stop me now

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18 yrs this yr mate....and no advertising as such..listed on trusted-tradesmen and have my van signed...apart from that its word of mouth and regular work from builders etc......I wish you all the best mate..so just take the good with the bad and stick at it mate...
thats the spirit tysfoot,

your a winner and a fighter mate and thats all you need in life ;0)

youve decided you deserve more in life and your gonna grab it with both hands and i admire that.

theres nothing wrong with being a post man or having a steady job BUT go for your dream 1st and then if it fails (which it wont ;0) ) then you can always go back to being safe then

dont worry about debt, we all have it, ask northern rock..you can always go bankrupt lol

and finally, dont wait 4 that phone to ring, get out there to all the tiling shops, make them feel sorry 4 you. people in this country love to help the underdog so play upto it ......if your doing well they resent you

ssave half of what you earn and put it into an isa and leave it alone, you wont be in debt for long...

all the best

Tysfoot, well done and good luck mate. I'm sure there's nothing you've missed so you have the best chance possible. Think positive (cheesy but it works) and stay active and in tiler mode ALL the time - in the pub, shopping, whatever - saw a tip somewhere - wear a t-shirt while shopping with your company name and TILING written in MASSIVE with your telephone number and always have some cards to hand.

I can't stress enough how important it is to have the backing of a good tile shop, in the hope you send them some custom and they remember you and end up helping you get a little work in return.

Get your family and friends to all go in a tile shop and get a quote and tell them to say you sent them there. Eventually somebody will remember you.

If you do end up doing the odd agency day, make sure they are sending you different local places and leave lots of cards in the canteen etc.

Get some flyers done and post them around your town.

And scrap that £1 a day yell crap. Get yourself a website with the £300 from myself or some other guy and you'll get much more business through that in the right area's.

Good luck again mate.
Tysfoot, I've just started out like yourself. I've put an ad in the local paper, got one or two calls a week but so far no joy with my quotes. Don't know if I'm underpricing or over pricing. I'm going to get a couple of quotes on my own house to see what the competitions like.
On the quiet days I've been walking the streets and just posting my business card through doors. So far this has got me two jobs, so that seems to be working.
The t-shirt idea, walking aroung B and Q etc, is quite good, although so far no-one has approached me.
I keep getting told that this is the quiet period of the year so I'm hoping it will pick up.
All the best.
Cheers dan good post. what do you mean about the £300 website. ive got myself a little website. gonna get a big massive sign on my van with my logo website and most importantly. Number
Good to hear your new to the game and trying your best mate. do you have a logo and a website. never thought o posting business cards though doors. might get myself a load of flers made
where do you buy your flyers from
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Got my business cards from a local guy who works/has his own business, Vita Design. Everyone who I give the card to comments on how good they are. They are like a vinyl feel on both sides and not the cardboard ones you see so often.
Cost is £110 per 5000, you may get them cheaper but I was really happy with them. Loads of different designs.
Their website is www.vitadesign.co.uk
Good luck Tysfoot, i too will be making the leap of faith soon b4 they kick me for punching some one!
hope it goes well for us all!!!!!:thumbsup:
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All the very best Tysfoot, it's been said before but if work doesn't come looking for you then go out there and find it. I didn't have the balls to go self employed, I was forced into it, (redundancy) but I wished I had done it years earlier!


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