thats the spirit tysfoot,
your a winner and a fighter mate and thats all you need in life ;0)
youve decided you deserve more in life and your gonna grab it with both hands and i admire that.
theres nothing wrong with being a post man or having a steady job BUT go for your dream 1st and then if it fails (which it wont ;0) ) then you can always go back to being safe then
dont worry about debt, we all have it, ask northern can always go bankrupt lol
and finally, dont wait 4 that phone to ring, get out there to all the tiling shops, make them feel sorry 4 you. people in this country love to help the underdog so play upto it ......if your doing well they resent you
ssave half of what you earn and put it into an isa and leave it alone, you wont be in debt for long...
all the best