The Catholic Church would want us to believe all of these 'miracles'
Healing of the leper (Matt 8:2) without any medical knowledge?
The storm stilled (Matt 8:23) no it just died down naturally
Healing of the two blind men (Matt 9:27-31) impossible
Jesus feeds 5,000 (Matt 14:15) with a basket of bread and a few fish. lets say he had 5 loaves, each person would get 0.03% of a loaf (assuming he sliced each one into 30 pieces each) by the time it was handed out it would be mouldy and the fish would have a bit of a pong
Jesus walks on the sea (Matt 14:25) of course he did, happens every day
Feeding of the four thousand (Matt 15:32) new one on me, could do with him in famine torn countries right now
turning water into wine..... is this for real?
rising from the dead after hanging on a cross all day.......only way that could happen is if he did not die in the first place.
ascending into heaven.... so he managed to beat the laws of gravity and lift off skywards, he went through all of the atmospheres some of which burn you to a speck, others have no oxygen and assuming that space is infinite he must still be going? must be freezing without a good coat.
What a load of rubbish, the sooner people stop believing all this man made crap that is there to control people and make them think in a certain way the better. I am always very dubious of people that claim they have 'seen the light' they always just happened to have been on their own so no backup there.
As Dan said we die and thats it, we rot, simple.