In your religion, what's Heaven and Hell meant to be?

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Can't understand why anyone with their own mind, in this day and age, believes in anything made up by man.
it has been proven to me. and it can be proven to any body. but it will not ever be the type of proof you are looking for.
it has been proven to me. and it can be proven to any body. but it will not ever be the type of proof you are looking for.

Haven't read all of this thread but came in a bit later.

Deano, have you always believed in God? or did you 'find' him at some point?

If it was the latter can I ask if it was at when you may have been at a low point in your life and needed strength?

I'm not questioning your beliefs as i'm fairly unsure of my own TBH, I was brought up as a RC and even went to a RC school but of my friends who have a strong belief in God (some of which attend Church on a regular basis) I find all of them had a strict religious upbringing OR 'found' God at a low point in their lives, and my logical explanation of that is because they needed something else to focus on and draw strength from. Which could mean 2 things, either God gave them strength or the 'Idea' of God gave them strength.

As I say, not questioning your beliefs as it's not my right and this is a very personal subject but I am curious.
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if you had 66 books that were 1500 years in the writing ,and were written by 40 different authors all saying there are fairies in your garden i may start to think there my be fairies in your garden

That's a good argument and as I was thinking of a counter I questioned myself as to what I was trying to achieve. The question being if there was evidence of a god.

I then thought of my former father-in-law who is a polish immigrant from 1946. He was in the Polish resistance and lost all his family in Warsaw during the war. Not surprisingly he is a devout roman catholic and everyone that knows him wll tell you he is possibly the warmest and most generous person they know. From my experience of him he draws the positives from christianity including the practice of tolerance and forgiveness. I honestly believe he would invite a former nazi officer into his home and offer him every accommodation. That is the kind of man he is.

So if someone said to me that I could remove his faith in one moment I would never think of doing it as I think it has been instrumental in making him the man he is .....and I wouldn't want to do that with anyone else either.

It's often argued religion is the cause of so many conflicts but there is a growing athiesm movement that seems aggressive towards people with faith (possibly fuelled by Richard Dawkins). When this occurs it demonstrates a lack of tolerance which is surely a similar intolerance which causes the aforementioned conflicts and wars.

So to answer my own question whether there is evidence of a doesn't really matter. I will say if someone's faith works for them who am I to question it?

I'm a Jedi anyway
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Davinci code I think was the one I had in my wishlist mate. Should I get both?
Angels and Demons is the better one of the two I've read four of his but at the mo can't remember the names of the other two (but it is 5:30 am and not properly awake yet) but deffo good reads.
if there is a God, or an all omnipotent being, why did he let the Devil carry on?, I must say that I'm neither a firm believer or disbeliever, but if people say "why would God let this happen?" then surely they must've forgotten about the Devil who could have caused the grief.
anyone been watching the david attenborough series on how it all began

gripping stuff, explains a lot
what youve got to remember with this whole god thing is that he doesnt mind wether you believe or not
The Catholic Church would want us to believe all of these 'miracles'

Healing of the leper (Matt 8:2) without any medical knowledge?

The storm stilled (Matt 8:23) no it just died down naturally

Healing of the two blind men (Matt 9:27-31) impossible

Jesus feeds 5,000 (Matt 14:15) with a basket of bread and a few fish. lets say he had 5 loaves, each person would get 0.03% of a loaf (assuming he sliced each one into 30 pieces each) by the time it was handed out it would be mouldy and the fish would have a bit of a pong

Jesus walks on the sea (Matt 14:25) of course he did, happens every day

Feeding of the four thousand (Matt 15:32) new one on me, could do with him in famine torn countries right now

turning water into wine..... is this for real?

rising from the dead after hanging on a cross all day.......only way that could happen is if he did not die in the first place.

ascending into heaven.... so he managed to beat the laws of gravity and lift off skywards, he went through all of the atmospheres some of which burn you to a speck, others have no oxygen and assuming that space is infinite he must still be going? must be freezing without a good coat.

What a load of rubbish, the sooner people stop believing all this man made crap that is there to control people and make them think in a certain way the better. I am always very dubious of people that claim they have 'seen the light' they always just happened to have been on their own so no backup there.
As Dan said we die and thats it, we rot, simple.
The Catholic Church would want us to believe all of these 'miracles'
Healing of the leper (Matt 8:2) without any medical knowledge?
The storm stilled (Matt 8:23) no it just died down naturally
Healing of the two blind men (Matt 9:27-31) impossible
Jesus feeds 5,000 (Matt 14:15) with a basket of bread and a few fish. lets say he had 5 loaves, each person would get 0.03% of a loaf (assuming he sliced each one into 30 pieces each) by the time it was handed out it would be mouldy and the fish would have a bit of a pong
Jesus walks on the sea (Matt 14:25) of course he did, happens every day
Feeding of the four thousand (Matt 15:32) new one on me, could do with him in famine torn countries right now
turning water into wine..... is this for real?
rising from the dead after hanging on a cross all day.......only way that could happen is if he did not die in the first place.

ascending into heaven.... so he managed to beat the laws of gravity and lift off skywards, he went through all of the atmospheres some of which burn you to a speck, others have no oxygen and assuming that space is infinite he must still be going? must be freezing without a good coat.
What a load of rubbish, the sooner people stop believing all this man made crap that is there to control people and make them think in a certain way the better. I am always very dubious of people that claim they have 'seen the light' they always just happened to have been on their own so no backup there.
As Dan said we die and thats it, we rot, simple.
:lol::lol::lol::lol: if it was easy it wouldn't be much of a 'miracle'


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