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In your religion, what's Heaven and Hell meant to be?

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The Catholic Church would want us to believe all of these 'miracles'

Healing of the leper (Matt 8:2) without any medical knowledge? Leprosy during the period the bible was written/editted was a global term used to descibe many deseases besides what we classically know now as leprosy. It included things which we would probably term STD's for example syphilis. If you know anything about Syphilis you will know that primary and secondary syphilis disappear (as if cured) - unfortunately if left un treated it re appears later on and seriously affects the patients mental state. It is thought that Herod suffered from Syphilis.

The storm stilled (Matt 8:23) no it just died down naturally Agreed

Healing of the two blind men (Matt 9:27-31) impossible Why is it impossible. Surely it depends on what has caused the blindness in the first place - of course the reference to Healing the blind could just as easily be an analogous reference to the process of "initiation" of followers into Jesus's "secret society" of disciples.

Jesus feeds 5,000 (Matt 14:15) with a basket of bread and a few fish. lets say he had 5 loaves, each person would get 0.03% of a loaf (assuming he sliced each one into 30 pieces each) by the time it was handed out it would be mouldy and the fish would have a bit of a pong This sounds like a good party to me. Bear in mind that it was probably a feast for lots of people rather than 5000. I say this on the basis that many people during the gospel period would have been unable to count as far as 5000 anyway. Additionally - would you know what 5000 people looked like

Jesus walks on the sea (Matt 14:25) of course he did, happens every day The fishing boats were quite quick due to the strong winds across lake Galilee - perhaps he was water skiing.

Feeding of the four thousand (Matt 15:32) new one on me, could do with him in famine torn countries right now Not heared of this one either

turning water into wine..... is this for real? Another analogy for initiation perhaps

rising from the dead after hanging on a cross all day.......only way that could happen is if he did not die in the first place. You should have a read of "the jesus scroll" by Donovan Joyce. He gives a remarkably convincing explanation of how this could easily have happened.

ascending into heaven.... so he managed to beat the laws of gravity and lift off skywards, he went through all of the atmospheres some of which burn you to a speck, others have no oxygen and assuming that space is infinite he must still be going? must be freezing without a good coat. Who made the rule that heaven is in space then

What a load of rubbish, the sooner people stop believing all this man made crap that is there to control people (and you would have what control us? ) and make them think in a certain way the better. I am always very dubious of people that claim they have 'seen the light' they always just happened to have been on their own so no backup there.
As Dan said we die and thats it, ( I hope that is not true but I can offer no evidence to the contrary )we rot, simple.

I'm feeling a bit better today after man flu so thought I would join in this interesting discussion.
ive not read all these posts on this subject,all i can say is religion is a business,just as any other industry on the planet end of subject imo
QUOTE=Dan;441052]No. But I beleive in what CAN be proven, and everything that can't be should have equal treatment.

So santa, fairies, ghosts, spirits, gods, ufo's etc etc. If it's not proven it's hear say IMO. And why should we believe in things not proven. He'll, there's more evidence regarding reasons why religions were probably invented than there is evidence god exists.

Isn't there?[/QUOTE]

Such a narrow view on the universe Dan? There must be millions of concepts that cannot be proven. Can you prove that time exists? Can you prove that 2 and 2 is 4? Can you prove that monsters are scary? all of these concepts are man made concepts just as the concept of God. God to me is a psychological concept. Probably invented by our less "enlightened" ancestors due to the human mind needing something to justify events and environmental condition which cannot be explained. Relativity is a thoery. It says that time travel cannot happen due to the old E=MC2 rule. However it also presupposes that time actually exists. God is simply what you choose it to be.

If enough people beleive in the existence of something it must exist if only for them.

What I really object to is when someone else with different beleifs to my own insists that they are right and so I must be wrong. Can we not both be right........

its no coicidence that animals are so similar when you consider we all evolved from a common organism
it makes you wonder tho' doesn't it? what was the catalyst that set off a whole chain of bizarre coincidences that lead to life on earth, and are these random events scattered throughout the universe ( most deffo imo)
it is widely beleived that life began as a result of meteors hitting the earth with certain protien strings (rudimentary protiens) which multiplied and evolved into the life forms we have today. Of course it is also widley beleived that God created man in his image........
it is widely beleived that life began as a result of meteors hitting the earth with certain protien strings (rudimentary protiens) which multiplied and evolved into the life forms we have today. Of course it is also widley beleived that God created man in his image........
who/what created the protein strings?:smilewinkgrin:
I'm catholic and do believe, i know from i was a child that's the way it's been.
There is things that have happened to people i know etc that if true show me for sure there is a god IMO.
I also know a few people with special cures... how can we explain this sort of thing? I'v seen these cures in action and i can't even explain it but works a treat.
It's healthy to keep an open mind too i think, we should all know one way or the other at some stage.


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