is it true? (large tiles at height)

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after mucho searching - here it is! this is how you do it! :hurray: ...
STONE CLIP | Stone Cladding | Mechanical Fixing | Stone panelling | Wall Cladding | Natural Stone | Stacked Stone | Stone Walls

and an example ...

StoneClip - Mechanical Fixing

clever Auzzies!
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great for stone no good for ceramics been looking for years have my own ideas 😛ete
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thx pjc - dont you think its a bit naughty for BS / TTA to make statements about large format tiles at 3m height and not suggest how?
yes big time they aint got a clue i will find a pic of my idea in the next few days if i can
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Fyi forum peeps (I just thought I could be misinterpreted ref my last posting)
I have sent pjc a pm.

If any of you has a unique idea (it has to be unique) to solve a problem (i.e. its commercially required / there may be demand) and if you show that idea to the public (and on this forum / on the www would defo do that) then you lose all rights to patent that idea! (with all the financial implications that involves, i.e. you could have made money from it and now anyone can use YOUR idea to THEIR financial advantage) :thumbsup:
write it all down, pictures, dates etc and then post recorded delivery back to yourself, the envelope is stamped and its a basic form of copyright, dyson did it after speaking to an ex colleauge of his who he thought was trying to steal an idea, I read about it in one of his books.


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