Job Cancelled by text

Send them a invoice for the loss of time etc. If they do not pay You need to write a document. Get a solicitor to draft it (it will need to be clear and ensure that you can get your money and specify how/when/why such a situation will arise - i.e. only at sale, because then he might never sell it.....).

Then you file it with the land registry as a class C(1) land charge IIRC. His mortgage company will be stroppy about this, but that's his problem. You may also want to ensure that you get your money before the mortagee, if possible. So they cant sell there house untill the charge has been lifted by you.
Im disqusted, let me get this right youve done all the donkey work, the materials have been delivered, and they cancelled by text? Im furious for you, its the lowest of the low to text a man relying on work and dismiss him like a piece of rubbish. How dare they! get round there now, or better still on Monday, because if they have got someone else to do this work, they wont start today it will be on Monday, if there is someone else doing the work, then slap in an invoice for all the consultancy work and abortive costs.


I was planning to go round today to speak to them but my wife has said to cool down first....stay at home today have a coffee, go on the forum, watch a bit of tv.......oh and do the ironing and the beds need changing,dishwasher emptying etc etc.
what got me the most though lynn was the "merry xmas" on the end of the text.

Just write them an invoice for the discount and hand it them.

thanks Sir
but do i have any legal redress as to the discount they recieved
no contract of works was drafted, they recieved my written quotation after inspection of job and accepted it verbally
the slc and hardie backer adhesives grouts Silicon sealents etc were agreed upon after discussion as to the spec of job
and my discount was offered as way of a sweetener to ensure a reasonably priced quote.
Yeah discount offered if you got the job ! I would at least try it and dont forget the Merry Xmas on the end of the Invoice.
You could also turn up on the start date with your gear and pretend you didn't receive the text. This way you can find out what's happening and charge them for a wasted trip...........
Completely out of order. I don't know the general public eh!

Good luck chris, hope some work comes up before xmas
Get Lynn to send her man round,
That's totally out of order Chris.
I hope you get something sorted quick as a replacement.
Good luck.
hate people like that dont worry just move on it happens to us all from time to time!:thumbsup:
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I wouldnt approach them again, its happened let it ride but let your supplier Know you are not doing the job and if they havent paid yet they are retail customers


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