Just moved in. Properties only form of heating is electric underfloor!! COST?

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Currently has stick on flooring strips designed to look like wood floor. Under that its wood looks like chip board or similar. I have heard from the management company who look after the building that its a concrete construction flooring and walls and it will be colder than conventional buildings.

Debating if it'll be cheaper to shut the 2 rooms which im running off and bring home my 2.5kw fan heater from work and leave all doors open and heat through with that for a couple hours as that'll be cheaper than leaving these 2 rooms on al the time low which still feels cold

Or i wil buy a portable gas heater and use a 15kg bottle which cost £30 per fill and apparently running a 4.2kw machine on 1 bar will give upto 150 hours per fill

May be the cheapest alternative for these winter months
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I have just taken another reading so in 5 hours ive only had the hallway and living room underfloor heating turn on both set at 15 on the thermostats. Only tv on not much else no cooker or shower and ive used 13kilowatts!! Thats 2.6 kilowatts per hour. Its advised to leave the heating on and low for most efficiency but at this price per month im screwed lol

Is that normal?
If the place has been empty and unheated it will definitely take a long time to warm back up. Then once warmed, it should be a lot easier to keep warm.
I'd suggest 15c isn't enough to bring everything back up, especially given just how very cold it is and has been recently.
Maybe get some dodgy local character to hook you into a street light nearby? That would save a few quid!

(...joking btw😉)
If the place has been empty and unheated it will definitely take a long time to warm back up. Then once warmed, it should be a lot easier to keep warm.
I'd suggest 15c isn't enough to bring everything back up, especially given just how very cold it is and has been recently.
Maybe get some dodgy local character to hook you into a street light nearby? That would save a few quid!

(...joking btw😉)

Yes the property was empty for some months before we purchased it everything Was turned off even the mains water and a window was left open.we to thought the same it just needs time to heat back up and it'll sort itself out. Do you suggest tuning it all on and up for a day or.so just to heat the property right up and go from there. 25degress on each thermostat for 24hrs??
Yes the property was empty for some months before we purchased it everything Was turned off even the mains water and a window was left open.we to thought the same it just needs time to heat back up and it'll sort itself out. Do you suggest tuning it all on and up for a day or.so just to heat the property right up and go from there. 25degress on each thermostat for 24hrs??

I think I would, yes. Mine goes up to 42c but might melt vinyl flooring! 25c sounds reasonable.
How about a few oil-filled electric radiators too to kick start?
Ok I'll give it a go and see if i can get it heated. Even the walls feel so cold but again been empty for.months and not being heated up would explain I'll see how that goes And go from there


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