knee operation

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Andy Allen

just had an opp on my left knee,it was called a bursectomy whear the bursa sacks in the knee are scraped out because i was getting fluid on the knee all the time,just wandering if any one eles has had anythink similar done ,if so what the out come was and how soon they got back to work,its only been 5days and im already claiming the walls:mad2:
6 ops on my left knee, in need of another now. Had both menisci out at 21,(left knee) arthiritis sets in:incazzato:won't give me a knee replacement (altho they agree I need one) because at 46 I'm too young:thumbsdown:
im in exactly same boat m8 got arthritis in left knee thats why i kept getting fluid on knee they said i need a new knee im only 43 they wont do it till your in your mid 50s
i know you need to work , but the best advice i can give is dont rush it , a mate of mine did years ago , and it put him back months :yikes: , i had a bad accident a few years ago where my knee was crushed , took 9 months to get off crutches properly :mad2:
and I won't even start on my broken legs (5) and steelwork in my right ankle:lol:
speaking of knee pads, Lidl had some cracking looking ones in last weekend :thumbsup:
That sounds nasty. Bursitis I think it is called - otherwise known as Housemaids Knee You really shouldn't be climbing so soon after an op though. :thumbsup:
just reading this lot doug, with all that you have gone through , how did you find floor tiling and stuff then!!:yikes: or did you chew pain killers all the time


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