Genuine Ditra mat, see photo. Builder refused to use anything cheaper when I fainted at the cost. Photo also shows location of loose tiles. I'm not convinced re expansion joints, the tiler said he had tiled far larger areas than this (on UFH) without. Plus, tiles in the main hallway, kitchen and doorways are fine. Its just round the rear edge near the patio doors that they are hollow and clicky in places. Expansion gaps were left at all edges, then a tiled skirting strip above with Silicon beading between, final photo also attached.
Tiling was finished in May 2015, UFH wasn’t commissioned until July. Plumber and builder were adamant that it shouldn’t be turned on for many weeks, and then a gradual build up. Luckily it was summer🙂
As I’ve said, I’m happy that the builder, plumber and tiler knew what they were doing. The main question raised seems to be over the latex on the Ditra before tiling, which the tiler said he normally did. I’m hoping therefore that you guys don’t try to convince me that I’m sitting on a ticking time bomb. I guess I’m really after opinions as to whether it’s worth trying the Fix-A-Floor Repair Adhesive. It really is only a few tiles loose, out of an 82 sq M floor.
I have seen a video by ardex using arditex na levelling compound over the top of ditra matting i have been looking for it on you tube this morning but cant find it .