Macmillan Coffee Morning

Tilers Forums Official Sponsors

No it was just me wanting to do a bit to help!
Wasn't expecting more than normal replies so I will have to put a cap on at £100.00 as I'am a pensioner!!
Thought it would be too much of a faff to set up an account etc.
Pleased there has been a good response and perhaps the Tilers Forum could set up a charity fund/account for people to donate in the future.
We have a nucleus of regular members so a small contribution could make it worthwhile.
My normal charitable contributions are through the high street shops and all my work clothes are from them. Often get funny stares when I walk around in high heels!
Ok - the wife had her Macmillan coffee day - weather not as good as forecast and turnout slightly down. £217.00 was raised so anything I can add will help.
£25.00 so far 17.40 on 3/9/16 so still got a few days to go.

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