Moleanos Tiles Looking Stained afterfitting 6 weeks ago

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Just picked this thread Pemba I have fixed thousands of mts moleanos over the years.
a number of good points have been made but I will repeat what I have found from my experience as not only a stone fixer but also stone restorer.
i have seen this patchiness many is far more common when stone fixed with non rapid flexible adhesive.
the moisture migrates through stone bringing minerals from stone and polymer from adhesive to surface of stone. Water Moisture evaporates and leaves a stain on surface of tile.this has a slightly furry feel when compared to the surface of an unfixed tile.provided that all the moisture has worked its way out which I'm sure it will have by now,I would get a tin of lithofin wexa cleaner..mix a bit of wexa a 1:5 with water .apply with a sponge,keep wet ,don't let it dry in .scrub with bit of nylon pad and wash off.take a hair dryer and dry the cleaned to try to halves of two different tiles to compare against a half not cleaned.
this works virtually every time.
rapid set adhesive should have been used as it would prevent this migration through stone as rapid set pulls moisure within itself.
i used to get a problem like this probably 15 years ago,when no one really understood about having to use rapid set.
I was using Ardex x7 slowset and ardion 90.i would solid bed stone but get a horrible yellowish stain all over would take as long to get rid of staining as laying the floor.
eventually I tried many different adhesives until I found weber stone set range.they had a slow set which by luck more than design did not stain stone.
i worked closely with weber rep and their chemists on this.
i then changed again when needed stone to dry quicker and now only use rapid.
The dark patches on your stone are where back of tile is in contact with adhesive.
the light parts are where there is no adhesive connected to back of stone and voids.
this patchiness is not seen on most limestones when you fix with slow set flexible.
its mainly moleanos,Turkish porous white ,apple stone and other solar stones.
give wexa a try. Would be interested to know if it works orm by all means call me
Thanks Jonny, I am begining to suspect after all the feedback that the wrong adhesive has been used and when a tile was taken off you could clearly see that where the adhesive was dabbed on the tile, then the surface of the tile had the dark circle stain and where the tile was not in contact with the adhesive the stone was not stained. Hope to get some feedback this week on what the experts say.....

Does anybody know how i can find out the perosity of Moleanos white tiles?

if you can find out what company supplied the stone to your builder,they should have a copy of tests done on stone by quarry.
moleanos can vary considerably in quality and in some cases porosity,so you need a specific answer for your particular stone if that is what you want.
i don't think that the porosity is really an issue on wall if it is sealed adequately.i don't even think the staining is a problem. I have seen this so many times and got rid of it with is only a stone soap cleaner and can't damage stone.
the fact that it was fixed with non rapid is not against any regulation I think and does not mean they will fall off or fail. It has simply given you a staining problem.who are the experts you are referring to. Is that people on this forum or are y ou getting an independent party in to assess problem.
If I have a dispute I get the stone federation in.they charge to write a report and will give an informed and professional appraisal,but I think you will be wasting your money.
ii don't think this is much of a problem as you all means call if you like
Both shower rooms had wedi board fitted and then tiled the other parts of the two bathrooms were plasterboard but the staining is on all tiles in both bathrooms
Hi Jonny, thanks, i will discuss with the builder and tile supplier and suggest to them about cleaning with WEXA


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