new RUBI TS50 -L- PLUS

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I would recommend the TX range.......i have a TX700n...but they do bigger if you require it...
has enyone had problems cutting porcelain with the ts + ? Pete

Of course you will get problems cutting Porcelain with all the Rubi Single point Breaker system cutters its not designed for porcelain thats why they switched. Rubi's pedigree is with the Single point breaker thats the history they brag about but when porcelain went big they were in the **** so had to bring out the new breaker system like on the N range. Its wake up time at last as now your buying Rubi for the badge not the years of development. 00ps
Of course you will get problems cutting Porcelain with all the Rubi Single point Breaker system cutters its not designed for porcelain thats why they switched. Rubi's pedigree is with the Single point breaker thats the history they brag about but when porcelain went big they were in the **** so had to bring out the new breaker system like on the N range. Its wake up time at last as now your buying Rubi for the badge not the years of development. 00ps

tiler-101 what cutter would you sugest for cutting 25mm strips off 600x600 porcelain ?
Have seen it before,will see it again.....when it comes to tile cutters....if Rubi can't do it who can?
Grumpy's got the idea I would of said Raimondi.

Sports Cars and Tile cutters were born in Italy
tiler-101 never used Montolit, Raimondi, but look like sigma cutter which i have used which i find has its uses but not very accurate and a bit clumsy also have used ts+ and found it just smashed the tiles and sent it back have had a tx900 for about 8 years not in the same class as ts which i have 3 ts 60 i fix about 400 mts a week of 600x600 porcelain a week Pete


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