I also have a Norton Clipper TT200EM (with a bit of blade wobble). I am trying to get some spares for it (specifically the flange washer) but am having no success at all. Saint Gobain UK (the manufacturer/distributor) simply are not interested and put me onto CTD (a Saint-Gobain company). The local CTD (Milton Keynes) had not even heard of Norton and could not help. Mine is a brand new machine with a manufacturing fault that caused the flange washer to fail. I can find nothing on the web offering any UK support of any kind for this machine. Email messages to any saint-gobain address (e.g. the one listed in the Clipper hand-book) are bounced back as 'undeliverable'. A German website at least lists the spares for this machine, but postage is a minimum of 18 euros! How can a major manufacturing company offer no support for their products? I would not buy another Norton Clipper wet tile saw. It might be a great machine but, if it goes wrong, you are entirely on your own.