B brian c Feb 9, 2008 #22 GOT A NEW (TO ME) VAN Russell,itS a v reg escort diesel 1.8,great little van which i got thanks to hexs dad for 00 quid,even though the guy bought it for 80 ,never mind.9 MNTHS MOT 3MNTS TAX 500 NOTES ITS NOT TO BE SNIFFED AT
GOT A NEW (TO ME) VAN Russell,itS a v reg escort diesel 1.8,great little van which i got thanks to hexs dad for 00 quid,even though the guy bought it for 80 ,never mind.9 MNTHS MOT 3MNTS TAX 500 NOTES ITS NOT TO BE SNIFFED AT
G grumpygrouter Feb 9, 2008 #23 Thanks Bri, now I understand! Obviously the new Sprinter was a set up then! I will cast my critical eye when I see you. Grumps
Thanks Bri, now I understand! Obviously the new Sprinter was a set up then! I will cast my critical eye when I see you. Grumps