Please help, I made a screw up...

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Colour republic, heya...

8 tiles? How do u figure that one? My view is that all the lines vertically and horizontally around the room need to match up. Removing the right side wall as the guys suggest to the right of the mosaic strip and starting that point again to meet up nicely over the door will throw the back wall's grout lines out of whack by that 15mm. If not that wall then another wall somewhere else. I am struggling very hard to see how you guys think I can fix this in a simple way. I am trying though, it's just not making sense most of what's been said here. If you think 8 tiles then would it be a massive imposition on my part to ask you to copy one of the pics I've added as part of this post which best highlights the tiles ur thinking of and editing it with mspaint to mark the tiles you think I should change? If not then no worries, I'd appreciate any effort.


You're looking at it all wrong, if your tiles at the bottom are on you level datum the back wall will line up, don't worry about it

Try and take some more pictures, when you take them try and keep the camera level with the wall, face the wall head on and take a shot, side step and take another, take as may as you can and create an album in your user profile, the more pictures the better.

Do that and we can take a look and if it's were i think it is i'll edit your photos to see if it will work.

You are trying to hard to see the problem, confusing yourself and are missing the obvious.

Many experianced tilers and for that matter carpenters, would walk straight into that room and spot your mistake in an instant. I'm afraid that only comes with experiance and you'll have to wait maybe another 5 years before you see these things straight away. We've all been there and hope to help you out.

take a break, have a cup of tea and clear your mind. Walk back into that room and look at it a fresh. forget everything you've measured and checkd and do it again... you'll get there in the end.

But in the mean time upload those photos and we'll spot it for you
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Well why didn't somebody say!! There's your answer, fit 3ft coving and it'll cover the wonky lines. DUH! I can't believe none of you thought of that before


Ha ha, I said in my original post that started this that the reason I didn't tile to the top is because a cornice is going in. In South Africa we call coving "cornicing". Otherwise I'd have defo tiled to the roof. I'd never be so blatant!!!

Then, to colour republic....Mate, you're the (DO NOT SWEAR). You took the time to make me a picture and explain to me visually what you were talking about. Thats what I was hoping for right from the start, THANK YOU!!!

So imagine 6mm plus another 6mm over two tiles? Bloody hell 12mm? if a third then possibly more than that...See now how i'm starting to see how what seems as no grout line alteration (apparently) seemed to be the problem. Above the door there is no clear saggin to the right of the tiles so I will go check that first thing 2mo morning.

The dark blue line? I was getting at that the whole time but no one seemed to understand...What I did with the laser was do the same as your dark blue line....Just to see if they match, I don't have such a long level so it would be difficult to see, a laser will ping that line no probs in the same way your dark blue line did.

I understand a bit more of what you're all saying here...

Anyway....To everyone, thanks for replying. But thanks CR for MAKING SENSE!!!

Hopefully this works...:mad2:
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You're looking at it all wrong, if your tiles at the bottom are on you level datum the back wall will line up, don't worry about it

Try and take some more pictures, when you take them try and keep the camera level with the wall, face the wall head on and take a shot, side step and take another, take as may as you can and create an album in your user profile, the more pictures the better.

Do that and we can take a look and if it's were i think it is i'll edit your photos to see if it will work.

You are trying to hard to see the problem, confusing yourself and are missing the obvious.

Many experianced tilers and for that matter carpenters, would walk straight into that room and spot your mistake in an instant. I'm afraid that only comes with experiance and you'll have to wait maybe another 5 years before you see these things straight away. We've all been there and hope to help you out.

take a break, have a cup of tea and clear your mind. Walk back into that room and look at it a fresh. forget everything you've measured and checkd and do it again... you'll get there in the end.

But in the mean time upload those photos and we'll spot it for you

Dude, you'r making SO MUCH sense...Thanks guy!!! Right....ok, time for a tea then bed (I'm knackered) Will give it all another go...try fix it and then own up to client if I can't fix it!!!

I truly feel worse than dog poo right now...cuz I've read everyone's replies which have made me feel stupid plus I have no idea how to fix this and not any of you have managed to answer my question of HOW TO AVOID THIS from happening again.
As long as you take in what these guys are telling you and not just 'not listening' until you hear what you want to hear (which clearly is not doing anything to your mistake in bathroom 1) then you learn the best advices ever!
Redo the bathroom as told and keep you reputation - this is afterall what is going to feed you in the future, especially in current climate, or you can as well be looking at another trade already.

Secondly, several have told you how to fix this and therefore also HOW TO AVOID IT from happening again. 😉 So, please for your own sake, take a step back and read the posts again from a 'father to son' point of view and I'm sure you will feel better already.

Chin up - if you do it right you will feel much better, and I'm sure you know that deep down. :20:
Dude, you'r making SO MUCH sense...Thanks guy!!! Right....ok, time for a tea then bed (I'm knackered) Will give it all another go...try fix it and then own up to client if I can't fix it!!!


hang on for 2 mins and i'll post a picture to show you wjhat i mean
[ tileboy1.jpgtileboy2.jpg

Ok see in picture 1 the tiles are butted up and follow the line of the level

in pic 2 I have inserted a spacer at the top but it is still butted up at the bottom, now look at how big the gap is at the end of the tile from the level. it's opened up by 7mm and the spacer is only 2mm. and this is on a small linear tile, the longer the tile the more the gap opens up, Your tiles look 600mm in length judging buy the door so your tiles will open up even more.

This problem does not occur so easily on square tiles, but if you have a very long linear tile, it's very easy to go off level

Edit: to clarify. say you have a tile 150mmx600mm the length of the tile is 4 times longer than the height, any problem on the vertical grout line will be magnified by 4 fold along the horizontal grout line

on a tile that is 200mmx600mm, the length is 3 times longer then the height, this would be magnified 3 fold

am i making sense?
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[View attachment 3295View attachment 3296
Edit: to clarify. say you have a tile 150mmx600mm the length of the tile is 4 times longer than the height, any problem on the vertical grout line will be magnified by 4 fold along the horizontal grout line

on a tile that is 200mmx600mm, the length is 3 times longer then the height, this would be magnified 3 fold

am i making sense?
You are making perfectly sense and thanks for posting the pictures is someone didn't get your explanation in the original post. It is great teaching! :thumbsup:
hi def check your tile sizes as ment by andytiler somethings not right if in dout over levels get someone to help you with a water level (if your not happy with the job dont leave it :8:
[View attachment 3295View attachment 3296

Ok see in picture 1 the tiles are butted up and follow the line of the level

in pic 2 I have inserted a spacer at the top but it is still butted up at the bottom, now look at how big the gap is at the end of the tile from the level. it's opened up by 7mm and the spacer is only 2mm. and this is on a small linear tile, the longer the tile the more the gap opens up, Your tiles look 600mm in length judging buy the door so your tiles will open up even more.

This problem does not occur so easily on square tiles, but if you have a very long linear tile, it's very easy to go off level

Edit: to clarify. say you have a tile 150mmx600mm the length of the tile is 4 times longer than the height, any problem on the vertical grout line will be magnified by 4 fold along the horizontal grout line

on a tile that is 200mmx600mm, the length is 3 times longer then the height, this would be magnified 3 fold

am i making sense?

Morning mate....Just thought I'd check one last time on the forum to see if anyone posted anything further. Thank you very much for all your effort. Sometimes it's easier for someone to SHOW me rather than tell me because as much as one tries to understand words they don't always make sense. You've made perfect sense and I see now exactly what you mean and how to fix it.

From one tiler to another many thanks matey, you've really helped and also helped me feel better about what comes next.

Have a great weekend...

Hi tileboy, no advice or opinion from me just a shout of encouragement. no doubt it went a bit wrong an needs to be corrected ( been there got the t shirt) Fantastic support has come your way especially from CR and just about everyone else that has posted although i could sense your frustration at some of the advice/ opinions sent your way. Been new to the forum, like myself,maybe you don't fully appreciate that NO ONE on here will try to do you down, all the comments , even the ones you didn't like, were given with the best intentions.Try re reading the thread as if it were someone else that had a problem, remove the emotion and I'm sure you will understand there was no malice from anyone. Only you can make the decision how or if to correct your job but i am sure that the input you have received will help you make the best decision. Sometimes experience is a hard earned lesson. Best of luck.


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