Colour republic, heya...
8 tiles? How do u figure that one? My view is that all the lines vertically and horizontally around the room need to match up. Removing the right side wall as the guys suggest to the right of the mosaic strip and starting that point again to meet up nicely over the door will throw the back wall's grout lines out of whack by that 15mm. If not that wall then another wall somewhere else. I am struggling very hard to see how you guys think I can fix this in a simple way. I am trying though, it's just not making sense most of what's been said here. If you think 8 tiles then would it be a massive imposition on my part to ask you to copy one of the pics I've added as part of this post which best highlights the tiles ur thinking of and editing it with mspaint to mark the tiles you think I should change? If not then no worries, I'd appreciate any effort.