That's not enough, you'd stand between the joists and it will move. You need to seriously consider deflection in the floor; movement up and down with weight.
If there ARE T&G boards down, you'd still need to use a minimum of 15-18mm according to british
standards. If the boards have come up, you need 22-25mm.
Don't let this whole job come back on you because of somebody else's mistake. Either advise them correctly and do the job right, or let some other shmuck do it and go back in 6 - 12 months when it's all gone wrong.
You could overboard it again perhaps, which wouldn't cost too much and shouldn't be too much of a maul. But you need to make sure that the existing boards have had extra noggins added, and for sure, the right size SCREWS (not nails).
I'd take a look at it myself if I were you.