Rizzle from the Portizzle
things will only get dearer while we stay in the eu once out you will see big price falls whyHave to say the Brexitresult vote is baffling .it's like shooting yourself in the foot.banks are moving on . everything is going to get dearer.i just don't see the positives
we can rid our self s of eu anti dumping dutys on goods and food
which currently adds between 10 to 40% on the cost of living in the uk
why are BMW Mercedes Volkswagen to name a few 15 to 20% cheaper in the US even after 10 to 20%
import duty think about it .
will the bankers realy leave the uk and go to the EU with all there new and incoming regulations
ever tried to do banking in france after 1 oclock on a friday .banks will avoid risk at all cost
and the EU is the biggest risk in the world at the moment to the banking system .the odds of a
eu claps have more than doubled .
in less than 3 years the manufacturing base in the eu will be in free full with India taking over
they have aready this year spent billions of dollars on new production lines
the youth unemployment in the eu are a lie .they do not take into account all thoughs
that have left and are working in the US UK AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND and so on
who is going to rebuild these broken country's.in the eu .
www. world wide web .the day of the first click was the end of the EU the day it became a dinosaur
we need to think decades ahead not 1 or 2 years .