Prima donna

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we have a young tiler working for us who seems to think he is a primadonna , every site he goes on he throws up the best areas then tries to be moved from the job on to a different site and let others do the finishing off ,on one occasion he called my partner and asked to be moved off of one of my sites claiming there wasnt enough work there for him,my partner rang me to ask what was going on and i was furious that this tiler had done this when there was plenty of work available on the site we were working on and hadnt talked to me before ringing my business partner ,this week he has tried the same trick claiming there is no work for him on the site he has been working on ,I had a site visit there last friday and programmed the weeks work there for this week and sent him there on Monday, tuesday he didnt show up and told another tiler who was due to go there on wednesday not to bother as there was no areas to tile ,thursday no show again ,so I have had to place another fixer there as I got read the riot act by the main contractor ,
Do I sack him ? he still hasnt grouted his work and has creamed the areas and has left out his skirting ,trim and cuts to the work tops, the other lads have made it clear that they think he is a greedy so and so and not a team player and are getting fed up with his attitude ,I am not placing him on another job and wont be paying him until he has completed the rooms he has started, what would you do?
Prima donna.. is that with or with out garlic and chilli..:lol:

I would get shot... NON team players cause unrest.
id tell him exactly what you expect from him...tell him he's part of a team and he has to adapt or go,,,it doesnt have to get confrontational. just give him the facts of what you dissaprove of, record this too!! either by letter etc. and then inform him he he continues you will have no alternative but to release him..

clear points for him to grasp
agreement from him of how he will progress (recorded)
the bottom line if he carries on the way he is
that way you are fair and you have covered yourself too and him to be fair

Met the likes before, throw down the BIG easy m2 and let others take the smaller bits n bobs. Get shot, or a warning at first, your call :thumbsup:
There are plenty of fixers gary who would replace him in a shot... If he thinks going behind your back is the way to go then he has NO respect for you IMO.. and that is not a good thing to have with peeps who work for you.

So he is blasting in all the full tiles and leaving the cuts for the others.... sounds like a proper .. I AM ME AND I TILE FAST type of guy..

Your choice but i know what i would do when no trust is there..
I would want to have a chat and ask him what the problem is, then go from there.

If he mumbles and kicks a bag of addy, then get rid
if your not paid then he isnt...........have a quite word and explain how it works

if he wont play ball then replace him

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