The D
is he a good tiler m8 ?
hard to judge imo, if he's jst sticking in field tilesis he a good tiler m8 ?
good tiler or not makes no differenceis he a good tiler m8 ?
You can employ a ‘field tile specialist’ anywhere! And you could tell him that ... but ....
Don’t you give your guys a job spec that captures ‘complete area including grouting trims etc to supplied spec drawing? ... if not then although he is mainly to fault you are at fault also for not providing a clear and specific job / job scope spec. ( ... and this is not criticism as I’ve been there and done that also, so I feel for you – common sense and fair play doesn’t seem to work with some of the trades unfoundedly – its ‘yes yes yes’ when you take them on , then arguing the toss over whose job is who’s later – especially if it goes wrong)
... tack a method statement on so he really gets to understand what part of the job he ‘owns’.
Hi Gary , In my opinum Stan has said it in a nutshell. As you have found, it has probably hurt your companies productivity. Some jobs i find laying field areas first good, but normally I cut in at the same time and Skirtings and grout ,the next day. The senario can be different from job to job! Try to shape him in to your way of working, as part of a Team.When all fails you should let him go! Sacking someone is never nice ,but a necessity