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I said this in post 20. I still feel some responsibility rests with BAL as they continued to ship the product whilst knowing it was the subject of problems.

And it seems that BAL are continuing to distribute this product. One of their PST's said yesterday:
"The Micromax you were supplied with is possibly about to be, in the next few months, superceded with a new improved formulation."
So the new improved formula is possibly/about to be/in the next few months going to replace the current product?
Thats not a great deal of help to all those professionals and DIYers being sold it. There must be 1000's of bags out there.


Topps have sent out an independanttiler out for their own benefit and he also has said the mi romax is grey, and should never have been supplied and questioned topps about their due dillegence in all this . They shouldbe advising all customer either diy or the pros with good advice .
I was asked by the original tiler if
I wanted him to use the grout and did say yes as topps gave me the best stuff for the job. The original tiler could have quoted but independant quotes were required by topps customer services plus when all this started my tilers wife
Had found a lump and was waiting to see if it was cancer so i though he. Had enough on his plate.
I am now waiting to see what topps come back with
I'm with dan, the tiler should have known not to use it. It also goes off very fast so he wouldn't have been able to grout all the walls then Washboy it down at once. After the first wall pass then second it would have been clear that there are scratch marks. Even in the application he will have known it being too sandy that it would scratch.
yes topps shouldn't have sold the product in the first place however if you bought the wrong oil for your car and you insisted on it going in where would you lie blame?
Product knowledge is the issue here. It's the same as sealing tiles. Test a bit on a spare tile first if you have no knowledge of how the product will react.
Topps tiles have a tile training college on their intranet and they only use bal grouts. It's pretty simple to understand and in my opinion does need updating in some areas.
Working in topps for minimum wage is area of grave concern as they have to give out accurate information that could end up costing the customer money as they are generally skilled in nothing but retail and trained up theough the 'college'l, but the tiler has to be on the ball at the end of the day. Down to his lack of product knowledge has caused this.
Good luck in blaming someone.
1) topps do not take payment over the phone, head office payment can be arranged over the phone
2) topps do not consult over bathroom prices, their approved fitter will deal with you and only you.
3) this is a messed up situation that has occurred if all you are confirming the above happened.
4) still the tilers fault in my opinion. Product knowledge is key....


4) still the tilers fault in my opinion. Product knowledge is key....

Agree, i personally wouldn't of used because of the metallic tiles.
I don't think Lynn is upset with the tiler as far as standard of fixing. It's the grout which has done the damage. But i would say that out of the customer, topps, and the tiler. I'd expect the tiler to notice and refuse to use based on his knowledge and/or experience.


No of course not. I said a lot earlier in this post. Ultimately it's topps tiles at fault. Certainly that they supplied both tile and product. Even if the sales staff have never fixed a tile in their lives, i'm sure it's a job requirement to be able to read? They could of read the back of the bag, and in all honesty from there it's common sense.
But putting that to one side, as professional tilers we have a responsability to know what we are doing, be able to offer advice and solutions. Hence the word "professional". I went to look at a bathroom floor job Monday morning. Customer had "everything"

500x500 Glazed porcelain tiles
Tubbed (Unibond) tile and grout for floors
6mm ply to overboard.

I advised on site. Quoted to fix and supply correct products. They're now chasing me for a start date. Had 4 text messages off them today. Which reminds me i need to give them a call when i'm done here.

It's professionalism, and about doing a proper job with a bit of pride. If the tiler knew what would happening (as far as scratching goes) then he should have refused to use it. Simple as.

But i completely agree that ultimately topps should never had sold those tiles and that grout in the same sale.


RESULT ,,,,,,,, I have relieved today an email from topps head office whom have confirmed after looking at all the evidence and photos and the two quotes from tilers one of whom was sent by topps that are admitting full responsibility and have instructed me to arrange a fitting date as they will be paying the tiler who supplied the quote to carry out a full refit of the whole bathroom waheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Big big thank you to everyone who advised me . sorry dave could not wait any longer for the quote from Michael.
If anyone needs an estate agent call me 07866011916

That is ok... we could not fit it in before the new year as it is.. make sure your chosen tiler knows what he is doing this time.. you did well to get Topps to pay for the tilers lack of knowledge IMHO..


I think it's a real grey area Dave.
Topps should be up to speed with their knowledge of product if they're going to be selling tiles and suggesting adhesive, grout etc.
But i also think you're right, and as i've said. The tiler should of spotted this, which i believe he did. But surely must of realised that such a corse grout on shinny metalic tiles would not go so well.


This grout was a problem from the moment it was launched by BAL. Whilst I believe it has been re-formulated very recently, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if yours was older stock. Here's a couple of quotes on this grout from BAL's own forum:

"Think Micromax has reached it's first birthday and still we are no nearer a resolution, despite the feedback from many of us. One of the key rules in business - listen to your customers........" Tile fixer April 2012
"Gents, please rest assured that we are working furiously behind the scenes to make Micromax the grout we all want it to be. I realise that it has not been a quick process but we want to make sure that we get it right this time." BAL staff member April 2012
In this particular case I dont think any blame can be laid at Topps door. I suggest you ring BAL and complain.

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