im going to have another look at this scheme
the vetting process is quite vigorous
i started in 91 and built a successfull business
about ten years ago i got divorced, i had to sell everything and buy my ex a house for the kids
i couldnt even rent where i was living so i moved to a new city where i could afford to buy and started again
but i didnt rebuild the business, i needed money so i went on sitework and subbed for other builders
i moved here 5 yrs ago and carried on subbing,dec09 the builder i was subbing from downsized and stopped using subbbies
thats when i realized i had made an error of judgement
instead of building another good business i took the easy option
since last year i have been building thst business but im not happy at how im being perceived by the public
before i fitted kitchens , bathrooms and decorated
i did the plumbing and electrical myself or got someone in if it was more involved
i managed the whole job
since the rules have changed on this i have dropped bathrooms and kitchens
and the plumbing repairs
that leaves decorating,tiling and carpentry...........its disjointed and doesnt make sense
so im now percieved as a handy man or worse .......a jack of all trades
with my experiance, qualifications and finish i should be standing head and shoulders above the rest
but im not and its my own im working on this
i need to reinvent my business and getting a third party with credibility to vet my work will help in setting me apart from the dross