Stupid vans..
I was at a major roundabout the other Saturday morning minding my own business in my 2005 Combo on my way to get half a tank of diesel (I never fill up due to weight) when my gear stick went all floppy and flopping about all over the place I could only engage 3rd gear. I managed to rev my way out and limped round the corner to the garage I normally take it, they were closed so I made arrangments for a lift home but had to wait an hour so I watched a You tube video on my gear linkage and was able to fix it, a plastic arm had popped off its ball joint!
I was at a major roundabout the other Saturday morning minding my own business in my 2005 Combo on my way to get half a tank of diesel (I never fill up due to weight) when my gear stick went all floppy and flopping about all over the place I could only engage 3rd gear. I managed to rev my way out and limped round the corner to the garage I normally take it, they were closed so I made arrangments for a lift home but had to wait an hour so I watched a You tube video on my gear linkage and was able to fix it, a plastic arm had popped off its ball joint!