Sand and cement.

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I'm currently tiling a new build and the guys father built it,he roofed it,first fixed it,he even has it all painted inside,he's currently laying solid wooden floors!:dizzy2:.
The man is a top bloke and the house is superbly done,walls perfect and floors look it too,lol.
if all was like this i'd be happier.definitly in his 60's
:mad2:i was working christmas eve once insurance job and customer was out i was only doing about 7 meters on the shower area and stuff anyway got to about 2 and i was just mixing my grout when this old bloke lets himself in hands me 5 boxes of borders and said Shirley (customer) sent me with these , iwas supposed to come this morning but i forgot i had the chiropodist coming !!!!!!:yikes:
:mad2:i was working christmas eve once insurance job and customer was out i was only doing about 7 meters on the shower area and stuff anyway got to about 2 and i was just mixing my grout when this old bloke lets himself in hands me 5 boxes of borders and said Shirley (customer) sent me with these , iwas supposed to come this morning but i forgot i had the chiropodist coming !!!!!!:yikes:

:mad2:i was working christmas eve once insurance job and customer was out i was only doing about 7 meters on the shower area and stuff anyway got to about 2 and i was just mixing my grout when this old bloke lets himself in hands me 5 boxes of borders and said Shirley (customer) sent me with these , iwas supposed to come this morning but i forgot i had the chiropodist coming !!!!!!:yikes:
:thumbsup:Another dig at us old Buggers eh, I can't remember Where I am working 2moz, come to think of it, can't remember,where I am???????
If I am as lively as her dad at his age, I will be a happy old chappy, only 40 ish years to go

in the old days well the 80's, sand and cement fixing was the way, screed with semi dry the area you wanted to tile then mix some salmon up, [ thats pure cement with water] serrate like adhesive and fix making sure its alinged right because its a sod to move over when fixed, when finished fixing use boards to spread weight to stand or kneel on and soak with water then beat down, always finished with a floor like a sheet of glass and as solid as concrete, dying trade always sorted the tilers from the chancers, the good old days , no one will pay for this method now yet perfect every time
Blimey - I bin ripped off. I bin payin £4.65 plus the Vat for Blue Circle at my local builders merchant......


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