It's Antonio I feel sorry for, poor bloke only wanted some advice and it's turned into a grumpy old blokes rant 😛
It's Antonio I feel sorry for, poor bloke only wanted some advice and it's turned into a grumpy old blokes rant 😛
The irony being the cheaper quote is the one ripping the client off!This feels like a thread highjack!!
And may be suited to the Arms really, we’ll see.
Seems to me we are getting a breed of client coming through that want this material but are what I would class as poor rich people.
Those who want to keep up with the Montague’s, but should really stick with Mr & Mrs Smith, cos they can’t actually afford it and what it brings with it.
You know the type, want everything fixed at £25m2 no matter what the material, and especially ex large format cos you’re fitting 2.5m2 in one hit!
And the thing is, they’re finding inexperienced idiots to do it too!
The last inexperienced idiot I actually know just got kicked off a project of a lifetime because he was fitting at a level befitting £25m2.
And it really winds me up!
You do your best by a client to explain what’s required and how difficult it is, only to be told
(if you’re lucky) thanks but we’ve found someone half the price.
Thing is they get served up a pile of ***** and they don’t know any better!
Cos they’ve no idea how good it can look, and images just don’t cut it sometimes.
And you can’t not give builder info before hand otherwise you end up with conditions you just can’t deal with unless you start prep again.
And NO, my rant is not over, not by a long shot, and it won’t be until we hit upon the magic sentence that makes them understand they’re being fleeced by idiots!!
wrong andy, I do not look for advice ...It's Antonio I feel sorry for, poor bloke only wanted some advice and it's turned into a grumpy old blokes rant 😛
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