sharp sand/ cement screed

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hiya lads ,how long should this be left before tiling on ,and will it need a primer,i think not but welcome advice

its in a conservatory,dont know the thickness,cheers steve
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Does anyone know the origin of the advice that you follow in the UK regarding drying time for screeds?

I'm curious to learn why we have such different standards in the US and Canada. For a thick mudbed on a floor, say 2 inches/50 mm, I would wait maybe 2 days before setting tile or installing a sheet membrane. I would wait longer for mud on the wall because it has more moisture in it, but likely not more than 3-4 days.

Most of the shrinkage is done in the first day or so.

Phil, you've done a lot of mud work in the are things done differently here such that we have such different standards for curing of the mudbeds?
BRITISH STANDARD'S are the most popular rob we refer to them as BS, not bull ****:lol:
Dave, what is done so differently I wonder? Is portland made differently in the UK? Are the mixes a lot wetter? More conservative approach on the curing times?

For guys that are doing mud floors and walls in baths and kitchens...are they really waiting 2-3 weeks before setting tile?
yes they are if they are going by the book, but if not then they are tileing and so forth just a few day,s after:yikes: , but all the addy makers have get-out holes if you do not go by the book mate
Does anyone know the origin of the advice that you follow in the UK regarding drying time for screeds?

I'm curious to learn why we have such different standards in the US and Canada. For a thick mudbed on a floor, say 2 inches/50 mm, I would wait maybe 2 days before setting tile or installing a sheet membrane. I would wait longer for mud on the wall because it has more moisture in it, but likely not more than 3-4 days.

Most of the shrinkage is done in the first day or so.

Phil, you've done a lot of mud work in the are things done differently here such that we have such different standards for curing of the mudbeds?

Hi Rob, the 1mm per day is the rule in the UK. But we used to lay 4 to 1 screed and tile same day using neat cement slurry. Don't know how shrinkage effects that, have done hundreds of thousands of m2 that way no probs. Strange eh!:thumbsup:
Hi Rob, the 1mm per day is the rule in the UK. But we used to lay 4 to 1 screed and tile same day using neat cement slurry. Don't know how shrinkage effects that, have done hundreds of thousands of m2 that way no probs. Strange eh!:thumbsup:
i think the difference is the addy we layed them into the screed with no addy and any probs and the addy-maker's look at a get-out garantee if you break the BS Sandards


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