Reminds me when I used to work as an engineer for a large Aerospace and Defence company.
One chap who worked in the moulding shop, with access to various materials. showed a school kid on work experience how to make a death star. It was just a bit of fun really.
......Until said 15 year old schoolboy's 8 year old brother was seen playing it by their mum!
Within minutes the company had received a complaint, which was duly investigated.
The operator concerned was very lucky to keep his job. He was give a final written warning and told that if he misbehaved again within 12 months, he would be out. To be fair that really made him grow up a lot.
Later he started dating one of the female engineers I used to work with, they got married and had children - talk about boy to man!
One chap who worked in the moulding shop, with access to various materials. showed a school kid on work experience how to make a death star. It was just a bit of fun really.
......Until said 15 year old schoolboy's 8 year old brother was seen playing it by their mum!
Within minutes the company had received a complaint, which was duly investigated.
The operator concerned was very lucky to keep his job. He was give a final written warning and told that if he misbehaved again within 12 months, he would be out. To be fair that really made him grow up a lot.
Later he started dating one of the female engineers I used to work with, they got married and had children - talk about boy to man!