Sigma 2G rocking

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i love me rubis me...the tx is a beast ..the sigmas are good i know ive tried em..but not for me cant stand not seeing the score line...and no carry box...only 1 outrigger etc etc
You can configure a Sigma to negate all those issues 😉
Even a carry box 🙂
Not seing exactly where the wheel touches the tile is a problem
For me, I like to be able to see that point of contact
I will admit to never having touched a sigma cuter. I do have a mini Montolit which is similar principle I beleive? Not seing the wheel
Make contact with the tile is a problem
For me. I am ready to buy a new cutter soon, the ts60 plus is getting tired, box is falling to bits
I will admit to never having touched a sigma cuter. I do have a mini Montolit which is similar principle I beleive? Not seing the wheel
Make contact with the tile is a problem
For me. I am ready to buy a new cutter soon, the ts60 plus is getting tired, box is falling to bits
I asked you what model and handle type you'd used( even though it wasn't you I was supposed to ask) because that's untrue about a sigma, some models have alignment issues but the vast majority don't, I've had 3 Rubi's in the past of varying sizes, they're great for metros but they wouldn't lace the boots of a sigms with anything of substance.


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