Aye true,but if you have to work 18 hours a day week in week out in this day and age(in the building 'wet' trades not ***** trades like leccys or plumbers 🙂 )just to make ends meet,you would have to be living wwwaaaaaayyyyy beyond your means,
The way you put things sometimes phil, could go for a pint with you and listen all night about the glory days of tiling! Bet you you could talk all night!This is in reply to the post about power vibro floors. Every penny was earned, no one gave us a thing. Damned hard work, done by damn hard men, respect to them all.
I hate mondays i like to be done by 2 latest, try too always book in easy jobs for Mondays, had enough of long days.
My best mates dad, a bricky NEVER worked a monday ,he died a happy man at 62, his funeral song ,???????
"I don't like Mondays"
His son, me (he was my 2nd dad) and the man himself would of been very upset if all he did was work all hours god sends and die of cancer
he he sounds like a very wise man who went well before his time. Think the trick to life is find out all the things in life you like doing, then find out if you can get paid money to do them then use the money to do the other ones you can't get paid to do... Hope you follow