The Chill Out Zone...

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Back to toms gun..

Bruv.. we have to go the bernies farm and let me have a go on that new gun..

just watched this review on it..

What a lovely thread we have here, one minute its substrate build ups, and the next its lets go out and shoot a few animals and birds...because we can. I assume you are all going to be tucking into a nice bowl of rabbit stew tonight or how about a rat kebab? Ohh how naive of me, somehow I doubt that will be the case, To many of you its a 'sport' or your getting rid of vermin and doing your public duty to rid this country of this fur and feather that has no right to be living. Perhaps some of you have missed your vocation in life and it lies not in tiling but in animal extermination, but I suppose tiling doesnt give you the same thrill as shooting some 'vermin'. This is a totally unpleasant thread, with smatterings of macho blood lust thrown in for good measure. If you can sleep at night, safe in the knowledge that you killed a couple dozen of 'vermin' today, then good luck to you and sweet dreams, you need your sleep because tomorrow morning perhaps you could make some nice squirrel sausages for your breakfast.

Dont try and tell me your doing a public service by shooting animals, it will only make me think less of you than I already do.


So lynn.. How do we rid the farms, households etc etc of dirty filthy rats.. Poison them and let them die slowly suffering and in so so much pain..

Do you know that 3 rabbits will eat as much as 1 sheep and thousands of rabbits will destroy a farmers livelihood, not that that doesn't matter does it ,it is wrong to kill animals isn't it..

Yes it is a sport but it is also culling these filthy creatures that cause so much damage and costs peeps livings that works..

How do you feel when a local comp rips jobs from your comp and you lose megga money.. this is the same as farmer losing money hand in fist to vermin, so unless you have studied the costs that vermin cost the uk then please do enlighten us how to deal with it.????
What a lovely thread we have here, one minute its substrate build ups, and the next its lets go out and shoot a few animals and birds...because we can. I assume you are all going to be tucking into a nice bowl of rabbit stew tonight or how about a rat kebab? Ohh how naive of me, somehow I doubt that will be the case, To many of you its a 'sport' or your getting rid of vermin and doing your public duty to rid this country of this fur and feather that has no right to be living. Perhaps some of you have missed your vocation in life and it lies not in tiling but in animal extermination, but I suppose tiling doesnt give you the same thrill as shooting some 'vermin'. This is a totally unpleasant thread, with smatterings of macho blood lust thrown in for good measure. If you can sleep at night, safe in the knowledge that you killed a couple dozen of 'vermin' today, then good luck to you and sweet dreams, you need your sleep because tomorrow morning perhaps you could make some nice squirrel sausages for your breakfast.

Dont try and tell me your doing a public service by shooting animals, it will only make me think less of you than I already do.



you should start a thread as Dave suggested and keep this one for the ones that like to shoot
Good to hear and so you appreciate another mans hobby and the right to do it cleanly etc..

Again as above if you feel it is wrong then start a thread about it please..

My last comment and I have expressed my thoughts methinks.

Every year a few mates and myself would go shooting branching rooks at the request of farmers. We went into various woods some evenings with a substantial arsenal and would take out hundreds of them. What happened was the realisation I wasn't doing it out of public spirit or anything like that .....I was doing it because I got a massive buzz from killing and that not just worried me but I didn't like myself for it. I just question if someone who kills for fun, do they have an interest in doing it humanely?

I'm done.
If they do it right Sandy then yes.. every shot should be as clean possible or do not take it.. and as an airgunner you will also know that it is the way to do things..

Lets not paint us Airgunners with the hooligans brush please..
Another way to kill rats....

:lol: Rob..

Now killing with dogs and is purely sport and not culling..

Sorry, Dave, not good enough in my book and it's not about my feelings, it's about not supporting gun crime against anyone or any animal... let's hope nothing bad will come of it. We had air rifles at home, I had lots of shooting practice and was in a gun club for a while, even practiced with a Magnum and was pretty good at it, but no way would I shoot at anything that could feel pain and shock, no way! I'm the first to have a go with the crook rifles at the fairs, knowing that I can compensate for the lousy settings and get some useless prize, I really enjoy it and get a buzz out of it, but ... you get the picture. What will you or your son do if you injure an animal that manages to run off somewhere? Will you go home laughing about it? Nope, not good enough.

what is not good enough is your reply just who do you think you are. gooner has don noting illegal. it is not gun crime to shoot Rabbits, crows, squirrels.


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