The Chill Out Zone...

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what is not good enough is your reply just who do you think you are. gooner has don noting illegal. it is not gun crime to shoot Rabbits, crows, squirrels.

Fair enough. I reacted emotionally, I am an animal lover through and through, and find the support to this thread tougher to handle than other controversial ones.
What a lovely thread we have here, one minute its substrate build ups, and the next its lets go out and shoot a few animals and birds...because we can. I assume you are all going to be tucking into a nice bowl of rabbit stew tonight or how about a rat kebab? Ohh how naive of me, somehow I doubt that will be the case, To many of you its a 'sport' or your getting rid of vermin and doing your public duty to rid this country of this fur and feather that has no right to be living. Perhaps some of you have missed your vocation in life and it lies not in tiling but in animal extermination, but I suppose tiling doesnt give you the same thrill as shooting some 'vermin'. This is a totally unpleasant thread, with smatterings of macho blood lust thrown in for good measure. If you can sleep at night, safe in the knowledge that you killed a couple dozen of 'vermin' today, then good luck to you and sweet dreams, you need your sleep because tomorrow morning perhaps you could make some nice squirrel sausages for your breakfast.

Dont try and tell me your doing a public service by shooting animals, it will only make me think less of you than I already do.

Lynn, as the second youngest of 7 kids, we had to hunt otherwise we would've been starved of protein. We used to go rabbitting with ferrets every weekend during the winter months, the more we caught the better as the following week we might not have caught any. During the summer/autumn months I'd be out with my dad or elder brother fishing for trout, again if the fish were big enough, they went in the bag and into the freezer. My dad was a lorry driver so not on a great wage and my mum went out to work as well as keeping and feeding 7 kids. Granted that I've always enjoyed my field sports but that's not a crime, better than begrudgingly doing it to help out your parents feed their kids. I take great exception to people trying to tell me that I'm wrong morally for hunting......they obviously never walked in my mum's or dad's shoes.
So next time I have rabbit pie Lynn, I will enjoy it as I always have done.
Fair enough. I reacted emotionally, I am an animal lover through and through, and find the support to this thread tougher to handle than other controversial ones.

that's understandable. i am an avid air gunner and am in the process of joining the 49th rifle and pistol club but i only shoot targets. i did shoot a pigeon once but i felt that guilty that i have never shot an animal since. but it is not my place or yours to condemn the people that do, as it is not illegal or immoral.
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Lynn, as the second youngest of 7 kids, we had to hunt otherwise we would've been starved of protein. We used to go rabbitting with ferrets every weekend during the winter months, the more we caught the better as the following week we might not have caught any. During the summer/autumn months I'd be out with my dad or elder brother fishing for trout, again if the fish were big enough, they went in the bag and into the freezer. My dad was a lorry driver so not on a great wage and my mum went out to work as well as keeping and feeding 7 kids. Granted that I've always enjoyed my field sports but that's not a crime, better than begrudgingly doing it to help out your parents feed their kids. I take great exception to people trying to tell me that I'm wrong morally for hunting......they obviously never walked in my mum's or dad's shoes.
So next time I have rabbit pie Lynn, I will enjoy it as I always have done.

Doug, I know Pebbs better than any of you guys on here as we are friends outside of TF, and there is no way she was talking about killing to survive, and if you look closely I have also stated that I understand that there may be reasons which are outside my field of experience. To educate myself what Dave is about, as I do like and respect the man, I watched his videos posted on here, which I found difficult, but I am willing to get more information as I know that most strong opinions, including my own, are based on ignorance - that should go both ways though. That is why this thread to me is of the same degree of controversy as racist or religious ones, I do not inside of me have any feeling that man is superior to animals, that instead it is our duty to protect them, while taking our need for safety and survival into account. We can't hope to solve all the worlds issues on TF 🙂 but we can hope to listen and learn from each other's opposing views. I have learnt a lot tonight.

By the way..🙂. when my cat brings in a live bird or a field mouse, I put them into my ready made 'hospital', let them recover and then set them free when they are well, 9 out of ten survive, can you imagine the joy seeing them fly off or scuttle into the undergrowth on the cliffs?
I have missed this all !!!
I personally do not shoot but know many who do !
I would take no pleasure in shooting animals at all,that's just me.
I also save little voles etc from our cats whenever i see them.
I suppose with 14 animal about our house that says it all.
We love them all.


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