Fiddlesticks... the Copts were there long before...
No swearing on forum please
Fiddlesticks... the Copts were there long before...
Ahem, are you inferring its always men that abuse ? May I take your attention back to a few nursery cases in the recent past !
No swearing on forum please
Oh gawd... now quote the very very odd ones out... I said SOME men .. and yes, historically it is men who rape women and children, are you going to argue with that.... ??
Fiddlesticks... the Copts were there long before...[/QU
i'm only trying to jusify modern day religions without confusing people too far
just been watchin grand designs but this is far better:lol:
I agree with you David
the muslim faith is no different and has the same roots, ive studied both the bible and quoran and theres a lot of common ground, its clearly different versions of the same beliefs
theres no room in modern society for these beliefs and without them the world would be a far better place