Thinkng of calling it a day

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so what happened dirrty??? where did it all go wrong....

hi tysfoot,

if i were you, i would call it a day and get a job. your heart doesnt seem in it and thats not a bad thing or a quitting thing, its just not for you. there is a hard year or two ahead with regards to the credit crunch (and this is serious) so the housing market will slow down, loans will become harder to get and the building game in general will be hit hard. thats a fact, not my opinion and dont let any tiler tell you any different.

if you are established like dave and a few of the other guys on here then they will be in a much better position but, prices will come down due to the influx of cheaper labour, tiling courses churning out hundreds per week and the state of the economy.

if you loved tiling and it was your main ambition then id say stick it out, produce quality work and professional behaviour and then you'd stand a chance but anything else is destined to fail. your attitude needs to be right to run a business.

your still are young and to be honest, theres other ways to make good money so dont let delussion stand in the way of common sense. this advice is aimed at you and you solely based on your thread. if you are running out of money and you have a family and your not that sold on tiling then get out now, cut your loses and onwards and upwards :0)

all the best either way..knowing you tysfoot, you'll probably post up tomorrow and say you've decided to carry on due to a massive contract, so write down all the fores and againsts of tiling and if its 60/40 against then call it a day, that way you know its been a calculated decision and not an emotional one...:thumbsup:
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im starting to think now that with all these tiling courses aorund now where going to get ram sacked with loads of course tilers or people who want to do their own tiling which is good for them bad for us i did a quote last week on a job it was a kitchen floor 10 sqm2 i said £250 they said there was another tiler who said £130 thats barely over £10 per m2 which is ridiculious i asked who the tiler was showed me the car it said pts on it another course tiler so i said fair enough ring me if anything goes wrong
exactly another example. just gonna keep tiling as a side line. if i feel it picks up and the industry picks up i think about tiling full time.

I do like tiling its just i had a bad job last job and with no calls coming though i was thinking "whats the point". it was just a bad week
I wish you all the best whatever route you take. Protilers is right, you just need one good tile store to get your work in. If you come recommended from the store you'll have a good chance you'll get the job no matter what the price (within reason).

If you do open a club, let me know, you should see me on the pole. 😀
so what happened dirrty??? where did it all go wrong....

hi tysfoot,

if i were you, i would call it a day and get a job. your heart doesnt seem in it and thats not a bad thing or a quitting thing, its just not for you. there is a hard year or two ahead with regards to the credit crunch (and this is serious) so the housing market will slow down, loans will become harder to get and the building game in general will be hit hard. thats a fact, not my opinion and dont let any tiler tell you any different.

if you are established like dave and a few of the other guys on here then they will be in a much better position but, prices will come down due to the influx of cheaper labour, tiling courses churning out hundreds per week and the state of the economy.

if you loved tiling and it was your main ambition then id say stick it out, produce quality work and professional behaviour and then you'd stand a chance but anything else is destined to fail. your attitude needs to be right to run a business.

your still are young and to be honest, theres other ways to make good money so dont let delussion stand in the way of common sense. this advice is aimed at you and you solely based on your thread. if you are running out of money and you have a family and your not that sold on tiling then get out now, cut your loses and onwards and upwards :0)

all the best either way..knowing you tysfoot, you'll probably post up tomorrow and say you've decided to carry on due to a massive contract, so write down all the fores and againsts of tiling and if its 60/40 against then call it a day, that way you know its been a calculated decision and not an emotional one...:thumbsup:
Sorry???.... The kitchen business didn't go wrong, I sold out to my partner for a six figure sum. Did I detect a note of sarcasm in your question tiler burden, or was I just being paranoid?

no sarcasm jim, i was just curious thats all :0)

all the best with your tiling business
Best of luck Tysfoot in what ever you choose to do.....................I sincerly hope you can continue to contribute to these forums as I'v learnt plenty from you guy/gals over there.

As a sidenote..................... watched a recent building and constuction documentry about building in the UK and it concluded that there will be the need to build more than 1 million new homes in the next 10 years to cope with population growth.

So Guys/Gals keep the surfboards handy the bigger waves will soon roll in.
Best of luck Tysfoot in what ever you choose to do.....................I sincerly hope you can continue to contribute to these forums as I'v learnt plenty from you guy/gals over there.

As a sidenote..................... watched a recent building and constuction documentry about building in the UK and it concluded that there will be the need to build more than 1 million new homes in the next 10 years to cope with population growth.

So Guys/Gals keep the surfboards handy the bigger waves will soon roll in.

nae surfboards Mick just overcoats, snowing in uk today. can i have a job in Aus? :lol:
Hi Tys, i think a lot of people consider about jacking it in when times get tough etc.
any thoughts about what you might want to instead? Any way Good Luck and do keep the tools for those weekend jobs.
no sarcasm jim, i was just curious thats all :0)

all the best with your tiling business
When I sold the business Ed I had a couple of years off and used part of the money to make sure my ex-wife and four kids were ok, then I bought into a franchise ( an online mobile tyre business )....... big mistake......I went down with debts of £120,000. I stopped crying after about six months lol, and now I have to start again......ho hum....



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