Thinkng of calling it a day

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Cheers guys

As for the part time job part time tiler. For me it doesnt seem to be working as i dont finish work till 2 so if i get on a job at 3 and tile to 7 its takes ages and the customer seems to pull there face. Plus ive noticed alot of people dont want you in there house on a sunday. and i wouldnt mind a day off aswell.

What i want to do is to do it full time or nothing bacause from the last 8 months ive been iling i always seem to undercharge because i tile part time, let people down cos im not finisheing jobs on time and im absolutley nackered keeping two jobs on.

I cant afford to not have any income in for even 1 week so im gonna concentrate gettng out of my debt and when i have money i can get back into it.

When and if i get back into tiling im gonna go 100% into it, full time. Ill have a full tol kit , a van and experienc in most tilings so maybe second time lucky

This is a message of warning to all newbies.

I thought it would be fairly easy But its not At the end of the day your setting up a business its not just a case of putting a tile on a wall and getting paid £20 a sm for doing it.

Its been all cost for the last 8 months and im paying the price now

Anyone lend me a tenner
best of luck tys, i think you might find things pick up from April onwards but know what u mean about regular money... all the best
good luck tysfoot.
in your first post you mentioned being undercut.
im coming across those assholes as well, most of them aint even been on any type of course never mind being time served.
im tiling part-time the now as well in very similar circumstances (2pm finish) and i find it really frustrating. i dont feel that i can mention to customers that i also work part time coz they'll think your one of the "£100-bob-a-jobs" ripping them off, and when you turn up at 3 they think your up to something. i make out that im squeezing them in between jobs but its really not professional and puts you in a bad light anyway. catch 22
im extremely tired all the time as well. my day job is pretty physical and now and again i cant be arsed going to the tiling job in the afternoon (ive never let anyone down btw) that tends to put your mood on a pretty short fuse when the tiles start acting up!
im still enjoying the tiling though! its much better than my "regular job".i only need to make around £180 a week once i go full time which should be achievable..............? :shifty: :lol:
I cat put it better myself mate. Its a hard game to get into

good luck tysfoot.
in your first post you mentioned being undercut.
im coming across those assholes as well, most of them aint even been on any type of course never mind being time served.
im tiling part-time the now as well in very similar circumstances (2pm finish) and i find it really frustrating. i dont feel that i can mention to customers that i also work part time coz they'll think your one of the "£100-bob-a-jobs" ripping them off, and when you turn up at 3 they think your up to something. i make out that im squeezing them in between jobs but its really not professional and puts you in a bad light anyway. catch 22
im extremely tired all the time as well. my day job is pretty physical and now and again i cant be arsed going to the tiling job in the afternoon (ive never let anyone down btw) that tends to put your mood on a pretty short fuse when the tiles start acting up!
im still enjoying the tiling though! its much better than my "regular job".i only need to make around £180 a week once i go full time which should be achievable..............? :shifty: :lol:
good luck wot ever u decide m8,just remember we're here 4 u!!!!

don't go to far away!:thumbsup:
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Will everyone stop being so nice. :grin:

Your all making me think im doing the wrong thing.

Finished what i thought would be my last ever job today. Hated everything about it and everything went wrong. So at the end of the day took a step back and thought actually ive done a good job. got an extra £100 tip. and i felt good. but the only thing ive felt s**t all week.

Maybe ive been on my period or something but iam stll in a hard predicament about doing both jobs

:mad2: :grin: :mad2:
Got an idea. there must be 100's of members in here now. Everyone in the forum set up a direct debit for £1 a weekto my bank accont then ill have enough money coming in to quid my day job and do tiling full time

What do you think :joker:
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