Cheers guys
As for the part time job part time tiler. For me it doesnt seem to be working as i dont finish work till 2 so if i get on a job at 3 and tile to 7 its takes ages and the customer seems to pull there face. Plus ive noticed alot of people dont want you in there house on a sunday. and i wouldnt mind a day off aswell.
What i want to do is to do it full time or nothing bacause from the last 8 months ive been iling i always seem to undercharge because i tile part time, let people down cos im not finisheing jobs on time and im absolutley nackered keeping two jobs on.
I cant afford to not have any income in for even 1 week so im gonna concentrate gettng out of my debt and when i have money i can get back into it.
When and if i get back into tiling im gonna go 100% into it, full time. Ill have a full tol kit , a van and experienc in most tilings so maybe second time lucky
This is a message of warning to all newbies.
I thought it would be fairly easy But its not At the end of the day your setting up a business its not just a case of putting a tile on a wall and getting paid £20 a sm for doing it.
Its been all cost for the last 8 months and im paying the price now
Anyone lend me a tenner :lol:
As for the part time job part time tiler. For me it doesnt seem to be working as i dont finish work till 2 so if i get on a job at 3 and tile to 7 its takes ages and the customer seems to pull there face. Plus ive noticed alot of people dont want you in there house on a sunday. and i wouldnt mind a day off aswell.
What i want to do is to do it full time or nothing bacause from the last 8 months ive been iling i always seem to undercharge because i tile part time, let people down cos im not finisheing jobs on time and im absolutley nackered keeping two jobs on.
I cant afford to not have any income in for even 1 week so im gonna concentrate gettng out of my debt and when i have money i can get back into it.
When and if i get back into tiling im gonna go 100% into it, full time. Ill have a full tol kit , a van and experienc in most tilings so maybe second time lucky
This is a message of warning to all newbies.
I thought it would be fairly easy But its not At the end of the day your setting up a business its not just a case of putting a tile on a wall and getting paid £20 a sm for doing it.
Its been all cost for the last 8 months and im paying the price now
Anyone lend me a tenner :lol: