Tile layout problem?

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thanks for that. tried it but it wont let me upload for some umknown reason.
No have never been on a course unfortunately, just trying to make out with all the great help from the forum
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Mick - PM me if you want - I will give you my phone number if you want me to talk you through it
Regards L

So the links you lot need are

www.tilersforums.com/scanl.jpg and www.tilersforums.com/scanlorig.jpg for the original (I tried to tweak it to get the numbers a little clearer).

The problem(s) why it didn't upload: 1, the file was the wrong type. It was .tif, always try to save image files as .jpg or .gif if you're uploading to the forum and 2, the file was HUGE - like 20 times that the limit of the forum attachment size. So those that can, please decrease the image size and compress the files if you can (good software will compress when you save the file automatically). Just for future reference guys and gals.


Feel free to email me any photo's though if you can't do it for whatever reason.
hi mick..where the two pillars are..if that is where the new floor meets the old.. you will need to put an expansion joint there mate......sqaure the tiles to the kitchen and work from there....good luck...
Many thanks for all your help in getting the scan on the website. I'll sort it out a better way next time.

The top part of the drawing ( where the kitchen is) is the new extension and as noted by yourselves the bottom half of the drawing ( between the 2 pillars and back) is the older 1960s part of the house where the kitchen and lounge have been knocked through together.

All the old floors are sound concrete and the old kitchen part ( bottom left of drawing has been latex screeded as it was about 5mm lower than the lounge when the wall was removed. Hope this makes sense !!

The new screed floor in the extension is the same height and level with the old build.

Slight panic, due to my somewhat problems with my earlier 5m attempt, I have had some quotes in to do the 50 metre l shaped area, None of them have mentioned an expansion joint !! Now I am worried cos these are pro tilers ?? Help......
Get yourself on www.findtrustedtradesmen.co.uk and get a couple of quotes from the tilers on there, which are tilers from this forum.

Though they may have siply not mentioned it to you as they wouldn'y want you to go off and do it now would they? - Although I would have done myself as it could have clearly secured the deal there.

Could be a nightmare if they tiled it as one though, needing at least that area pulling up and re-tiling with an expansion gap in it.
mick..Whwere you have a break in the substrate be it a new floor or an old floor meeting a new.. you have to put an expansion joint directly over this point as the two floors will expand at different rates thus causing the tile to de-bond.....


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