Tilersforums.co.uk van stickers.

Tilers Forums Official Sponsors

Well made from the proper material and the new logo for sure Dave.
Tight control on them too so they're cherished and add to our profile as much as the forums.
So what would stop anyone using them to gain an advantage without providing the input that should be required to receive one ( to buy or not to buy).
Advantage - beneficial feature. Oxford dictionary!
Well ok...Lets discuss the best way you members think they should be issued... Do we make them a kind of endorsement..?

Or are we not just making joe public aware of tilers forums..? and also tilers are just proud to display one.
Trowel stickers for each 500 posts like 'kills' on fighter planes, Sorry getting carried away...
i would imagine that an elite member would be eligable straight away.

t f arms members who have shown there work to be of a high standard through the jotm threads, hopefully would encourage more enteries.

t f arms members who the moderators know to be worthy

would this be for elite members only ? or tilers forums arms also ?
All members.

I'm going to try to setup a section on the facemedia group website that houses the couple of sticker choices and get them to sell them at cost, or for a very small profit.

On the page on their website they can then stick ads for business cards and stuff. So that's beneficial for them to do us some stickers.

I've not spoken to them yet, but it seems a win:win:win situation so I'm sure they'll go for it.

I've just been a little busy sorting out some sponsors for all the forums for 2010 so perhaps nearer the end of the month I'll find some time to get onto that and another couple of things we've been discussing in the elite that should improve the forum for all members.
I think you should only get one if you can knock out 100 push ups without stopping.

If not maybe the admin could decide weather or not a member can have one or purches one. after all you fellas know who is a good conrbuting member and who aint.

Maybe put a button on the TF home page linked to a locked thread that includes a poll where members can chose

Please can I have a TF sticker for my own vecheal
Please can I have a TF sticker for the front door of my local tile shop

and the admin can decide on post history.

Am I making it to complercated?


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